
  1. 其中,消费者购买决策的做出是对企业产品认同及接受程度最为直接的表现,消费者之所以决定选择某种产品,是因为他相信该产品比其它竞争品牌能给他带来更大的效用或价值。

    Purchasing decision making is straight behave of self-identity and acceptance of corporation 's product .

  2. 中高收入人群对保险产品的认同感较其它职业高。

    The higher and more income people approve insurance production than other people .

  3. 于是如何提高消费者对新产品的认同度,减少消费者感知风险,促进新产品扩散,就成了本文要解决的问题。

    Accordingly , how to increase the consumer satisfaction on new product , reduce consumer perceived risk and promote the diffusion of new product . This was what this paper resolved .

  4. 在老年人这一特定的消费群体中,不同的老年人对银色产品价格的认同倾向和程度并不一致。

    In the old group , each has a different recognition tendency and agreement towards the price of the silver products .

  5. 麦当劳俨然是一位文化经纪人,通过提供产品得到消费者认同,并建立起情感的纽带。

    McDonald 's seems to be a cultural broker , through the provision of products for the consumer recognition and establish emotional bonds .

  6. 追求品质卓越与优质服务的精神使“海美”系列产品赢得了客户认同。

    The good quality and favorable price with excellent service satisfy each client .

  7. 因此,不同的受众群体也逐渐表现出对变化中的电视产品文化语境的认同。

    As a result , the television viewers of different contexts have shown their gradually acceptance to the exchange of contexts of television cultural products .

  8. 这是一篇关于青岛和啤酒的故事,也是一种异域产品与本土文化认同的互动史。

    The following is a story of the Municipality of Qingdao and its remarkable brand beer , this is also the story of interaction between an exotic product and local cultural identity .

  9. 例如,他说,英国监管机构计划在判断特定产品的价值方面发挥更大作用,但假如投资者把这些判断误解为对这些产品表示认同,那么英国监管机构的做法就可能会引发道德风险。

    For example , regulators in the UK plan to become more involved in determining the merit of specific products , something that could introduce a moral hazard if investors mistake those judgments for endorsements , he said .