
  • 网络Product Planning;Roadmap;Product Planner
  1. 在项目开发策划阶段,通过对项目规划要求、项目发展条件的研究以及项目SWOT分析的综合考察,按照利益最大化原则,提出产品规划设计方案。

    In the planning stage , through the project planning requirements , the conditions for projects and the comprehensive inspection SWOT analysis , it proposes product planning and design .

  2. 利用QFD(Qualityfunctiondeployment)进行产品规划决策时,根据已建立的质量屋中的信息,帮助设计人员确定满足顾客需求的技术特征目标值,用于指导新产品开发,是质量屋决策的最终目标。

    During using QFD ( Quality Function Deployment ) to make decision on product planning , it is the ultimate aim to make technical features of product maximally satisfying customer requirements to guide the product development based on the information offered by HoQ ( House of Quality ) .

  3. 阳朔县RBD用地规划调整主要根据旅游市场和旅游产品规划进行。

    Adjustment of planning of land utilization for RBD in Yangshuo is made on the basis of plan - ning of the tourist markets and tourist products .

  4. 塔玛斯是跨平台休闲游戏在全球迅速发展的早期见证者之一,她曾经在自由媒体公司FUNTechnologies担任产品规划业务副总裁,并帮助OberonMedia公司创建了西雅图工作室。

    Tams saw the worldwide growth of casual games across all platforms early on , having worked as vice president of product planning at FUN Technologies , a Liberty Media ( LMCA ) company , and helping to create Oberon Media 's Seattle Studio .

  5. 作为副总裁,吉斯基负责公司战略、新业务开发、采购和供应链、产品规划、安吉星(OnStar)和商业联盟。

    As vice chairman , Girsky oversees corporate strategy , new business development , purchasing and supply chain , product planning , OnStar , and business alliances .

  6. 客车产品规划中常见的问题及解决思路

    Common Problems and Solving Thinkings of Bus and Coach Product Planning

  7. 印染产品规划与设计策划

    Product planning and design masterminding in dyeing and printing industry

  8. 基于环境质量功能配置的绿色产品规划模型

    A Green Product Planning Model based on Quality Function Deployment for Environment

  9. 石林世界地质公园旅游资源评价与旅游产品规划设计

    Evaluation of Tourism Resources of Stone Forest World Geo-park and Tourism Products Planning

  10. 一汽集团中级轿车产品规划方案研究

    Research on the Product Planning Project on Middle Class Car of FAW Group

  11. 基于模块矩阵的边缘位置控制系统的模块化产品规划

    The Modular Product Planning of Edge Position Control System Based on the Modular Matrix

  12. 第五部分对中国建设银行公司业务产品规划工作进行探索,提出了在具体实施过程中需要认真把握的五个重要环节。

    Part five is mainly about the initial research for corporate business product plan .

  13. 基于市场综合分析的产品规划方法研究

    Methodology for Product Planning Based on Market Information

  14. 其次,宏观上调整产品规划,微观上提升设计制作工艺。

    Secondly , it should readjust it macro production , and improve its micro craft .

  15. 根据给出的产品规划矩阵,建立产品的功能模型,完成产品的系统结构分解以及该项目的进度安排。

    Based on product planning matrix , established a product functional model and structural decomposition .

  16. 一种面向产品规划过程的组合质量屋

    Combined house of quality oriented product planning

  17. 基于质量职能配置的产品规划模型

    Product-Programming Model Based on Quality Function Deployment

  18. 第四,分别对产品规划决策和生产系统构造决策进行了例证分析。

    Finally , it gives exemplification analysis of product-planning decision and production system constructing decision separately .

  19. 第二,战略性生产决策的首要内容是产品规划决策,对所生产产品做出选择是生产系统设计或改进的前提与开端。

    Secondly , the primary content of the strategic production decision is that the product-planning decision .

  20. 替代性旅游(非大众旅游)产品规划设计

    Alternative Tourism Products Planning and Design

  21. 旅游产品规划新方法漏斗法&兼与许春晓同志商榷

    The Colander Method-A New Method of Travel Product Planning : A Concurrent Discussion with Comrade Xu ChunXiao

  22. 笔者试图从市场调研、项目定位、产品规划这三个前营销的主要环节入手对其进行研究。

    The author tries to consult from three fields of marketing inquisition , item orientation and product plan .

  23. 并以减速箱的设计为例详细地说明了建立产品规划质量屋的过程。

    The steps of building a HOQ are presented with a case concerning the design of a reducer .

  24. 它的分析工具则致力于帮助业内人士追踪竞争情况,改进自己的产品规划。

    Its analytics tools are intended to help industry professionals track the competition and refine their own product planning .

  25. 调度问题起源于产品规划、人力规划、计算机设计、时间表等问题。

    Scheduling problems arise in areas as diverse as production planning , personnel planning , computer design , and time tabling .

  26. 基于质量功能配置思想,建立了产品规划和部件规划质量屋。

    Based on the principles of Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ), the quality houses of product planning and parts planning were established .

  27. 研究产品规划质量屋中顾客需求综合优先度的确定问题。

    Determination of the integrated priority ratings of customer requirements in a product planning house of quality was investigated for new product development .

  28. 重点描述了该公司在产品规划、销售、市场竞争以及内部机构变革中所面临的困难和挑战。

    The focus is to describe the difficulties and challenges faced by GTE in its product planning , sales and marketing , internal restructuring .

  29. 首先它们会从产品规划开始,然后在设计工作室进行设计,然后进入车间生产,然后通过营销和广告向消费者进行推广。

    The maneuvering begins with product planning , continues in the design studio and engineering halls , and gets communicated in marketing and advertising .

  30. 它是从产品规划开始逐步推进的一系列过程,是有步骤的分析与综合的过程,是一个极其复杂的创造过程。

    It is a series of step by step process from the product planning , an analysis and synthesis process and a complex creative process .