
  • 网络Product decline period;decline stage
  1. 易逝性高新技术产品在衰退期的收入管理问题

    Revenue management of perishable hi - tech product in declining period

  2. 当产品处于衰退期时,有越来越多的新产品面世,抢占有限的市场份额。

    When the productin the recession , a large of new products listed and acquired limited market share .

  3. 因此,当产品处于衰退期时,企业若能在有效的时间内采取合理的销售方式,吸引潜在客户,扩大销售规模,必然能够降低企业的存货风险,增加企业收益。

    Therefore , if the enterprises take rational selling measures in the effective time to attract potential customers and expand sale scale , it would reduce the risk of storage and increase enterprises profit in the declining period of life cycle .

  4. 在全世界乐于购买打折产品的经济衰退期,针对低端市场的义乌商贸发展了起来,但今年,国际销量也下降了。

    Photograph : / flickr Aiming at the lower end of the market , Yiwu 's sales thrived during the recession , as the world shopped for cut-price festive fun , but international sales are down this year .

  5. 在产品和市场的衰退期,竞争情报人员需要做出努力来延长收益并通过各种策略来尽可能抑制市场损失。

    During the seemingly inevitable decline stage of products and markets , the CI professional will need to help prolong profitability and to prevent as much market loss as possible through a variety of strategies .

  6. 技术更新速度加快和消费者多样化需求,缩短了产品的生命周期,也意味着产品的衰退期会更快到来。

    Technology updating and diversified demand from consumers shortened the product lifecycles . It also means that the recession of the product appears in advance .