
  • 网络Industrial Textiles;technical textile
  1. 涂层篷盖织物在产业用纺织品中占有较大的比例。

    Coated fabrics of tenting occupy largest proportions of industrial textiles .

  2. 产业用纺织品原料构成的探讨

    Discussion on the raw material of industrial textiles

  3. 3D多层圆管既可应用于产业用纺织品,又能以毛织物等形式作为民用。

    3D Multi-layer tube can be both used for technical textiles and daily textiles as woolen fabric ect .

  4. CMS横机技术在产业用纺织品领域的应用

    CMS flat knitting technology for technical applications

  5. 环境扫描电子显微镜(ESEM)在产业用纺织品开发研究中的应用

    Applications of Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy ( ESEM ) in Technical Textiles Research & Development

  6. 产业用纺织品&未来的市场,发展针织工业的机遇

    Technical Textiles-Future Market , An Opportunity for Developing Knitting Industry

  7. 拓展我国产业用纺织品领域(上)

    Developing Applied Field of Technical Textiles in Our Country ( ⅰ )

  8. 我国产业用纺织品市场现状及其发展环境

    Chinese Market for Technical Textiles : Current Situation & Environment for Future Development

  9. 中国产业用纺织品行业的现状和发展机遇

    Development Situation and Opportunity of China Technical Textiles Industry

  10. 描述了产业用纺织品生产中节能的解决方案&直接空气增湿。

    An energy-optimized solution for industrial textile production direct air humidification is described .

  11. 上海产业用纺织品的发展方向建议

    Suggestion on Development Trends of Shanghai Technical Textiles

  12. 描述了StollCMS横机针织技术在产业用纺织品领域中的应用。

    Stoll CMS flat knitting technology in certain areas of technical application is described .

  13. 现代高技术产业用纺织品的发展

    Development of Modern High - tech Industrial Textiles

  14. 产业用纺织品的老化对回用的影响

    Influence of Aging of Technical Textiles for Recycling

  15. 表面涂层产业用纺织品的老化

    Ageing of Coated Technical Textiles with Top-Coat Lacquering

  16. 涤纶工业丝在中国产业用纺织品行业的应用前景分析

    Prospect Analysis on the Application of Polyester Technical Yarn in Technical Textiles Industry in China

  17. 产业用纺织品股线捻度与最佳强力关系的回归分析

    Regression Analysis of the Relation between Plied Yarn Multiplier and Optimum Strength of Industry Textiles

  18. 产业用纺织品的发展及新产品开发

    Development of Technical Textiles and New Products

  19. 指出了针织工艺技术在产业用纺织品领域的竞争优势,揭示出它的广阔前景。

    Competitve superiority and broad prospects of knitting technological in technical textiles field is pointed out .

  20. 产业用纺织品在农业上的应用

    Application of Industrial Textiles in Agriculture

  21. 产业用纺织品的市场趋势

    Market trends for technical fabrics

  22. 随着产业用纺织品应用范围的不断扩大,对产业用纺织品的研究开发也在不断深入。

    The research on technical textiles has been greatly enhanced with the expansion of the applications of technical textiles .

  23. 国际纺织品和服装局气流纺纱线的最终用途包括服用纺织品、室内装饰用纺织品及产业用纺织品。

    International Textiles and Clothing Bureau The end uses for rotor-spun yams include apparel , home furnishings and industrial fabrics .

  24. 撕裂破坏是机织物使用过程中的重要力学性质和关注内容,对于产业用纺织品的设计尤其具有重要意义。

    The tearing damage of woven fabric is an important mechanical behavior during service life , especially for the industrial application .

  25. 另一方面详细介绍了国内外产业用纺织品的加工方法、发展趋势及产业用纺织品的广泛用途。

    Processing technology , development trends , wide applicat ons of industrial textile in China and abroad were introduced in detail .

  26. 产业用纺织品的发展及对我省发展的建议辽宁省地质灾害及其技术对策

    Development of Technical Textiles and Suggestions on Development in Liaoning GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS IN LIAONING PROVINCE AND THE TECHNICAL COUNTERMEASURES FOR THEM

  27. 产业用纺织品具有高技术、高附加值和高市场容量的特点,成为最具有活力和潜力的技术产业。

    Technical textile , a product with high added-value and large market capacity , have been becoming a most vigorous and potential sector .

  28. 碳纤维或石墨碳纤维已经被开发制作各种各样的产业用纺织品,并且也可以制作某些服用织物。

    Carbon or graphite fibers have been developed for use in various types of industrial textiles and in some types of consumer goods .

  29. 介绍产业用纺织品的现状、特点、用途、前景展望,土工合成材料在我国的发展前景。

    Introduces the present situation , features , usage , prospect of industrial textiles , and the prospect of the geoten ile in China .

  30. 借此了解玄武岩连续纤维的可织性,探索利用玄武岩连续纤维开发新型产业用纺织品的途境。

    Then we can learn the weavability of basalt continuous filament , and find the way of exploring new kind of industrial textiles using basalt continuous filament .