
jiāo jì nénɡ lì
  • communicative competence;people skills
  1. 尤其是中国加入WTO后,涉外专业学生更应具有较强的英语交际能力。

    After Chinas entry to WTO , majors of specialties concerning activities involving foreigners are required to have better cross-cultural communicative competence .

  2. 随着中国加入WTO,国际交往日益增多,口语交际能力就越来越体现出它的重要性。

    With China 's participant in WTO and the increment of international association , English communicative competence has become more and more important .

  3. 集体体育运动有助于培养孩子的交际能力。

    Team sports help to develop a child 's social skills .

  4. 医生不一定都具备良好的交际能力。

    Doctors do not always have good communication skills .

  5. 我们正在寻找14-18岁活泼、交际能力强的孩子。报酬:每天50英镑+餐补。

    We 're looking for active and social 14-18 year - old . Pay : Ғ 50 a day + meals .

  6. FreeTalk活动与高职高专学生英语交际能力的培养

    On Cultivating Junior College Students ' Ability of English Learning in English Free Talk Activity

  7. 利用CRl提高英语听说交际能力

    Application of CRI Programs to Improving English Speaking and Listening Abilities

  8. 研究结果显示,PSI图式在听力教学中对提高学习者的交际能力是可行且有效的。

    The results in this study indicate that the PSI schemata are feasible and effective in listening comprehension teaching and communicative competence improvement .

  9. Brown和Rivers提出的交互语言教学就是师生之间共同参与教学过程从而提高学生的交际能力的全新教法。

    Brown ( 1994 ) and Rivers ( 1997 ) states Interactive Language Teaching in which the teacher and students participate in simultaneously in the process of language teaching and learning and therefore , improve students ' communicative competence as well as interactive competence .

  10. 在上世纪九十年代初Bachman提出交际能力测试模式后,交际语言测试便代表了测试发展的新趋向。

    In particular , after Bachman put forward the communicative competence testing theory , communicative language testing stands for the new trend of testing development .

  11. 本课题以Wiseman的跨文化交际能力理论为指导,对海南酒店从业人员的跨文化交际能力进行调查。并据此发现他们在跨文化交际中存在的问题,提出提高跨文化交际能力水平的方案。

    Based on intercultural communicative competence theory of Wiseman , this study investigates hotel workers ' intercultural communicative competence in Hainan , tries to find the problems in their intercultural communication , and gives suggestions to solve them .

  12. 关于把隐喻性表达作为外语交际能力的思考

    On Metaphoric Expressions as a Communicative Construct in Foreign Language Ability

  13. 论视听说教学与英语交际能力培养

    On Audiovisual - Oral Teaching & Development of English Communicative Ability

  14. 以学生为中心:培养学生交际能力的有效途径

    The learner-centered approach : an effective way to develop students'communicative competence

  15. 高职教学中提高英语交际能力的策略

    A strategic approach to communicative competence in higher vocational English teaching

  16. 口语教学的目标是提高学生的口语交际能力。

    The aim of conversation teaching is to improve the students'communication ability .

  17. 四是提出提高跨文化交际能力的几个策略。

    The forth is producing some strategies to improve intercultural communicative competence .

  18. 改革专科英语教学培养学生的英语交际能力

    Reforming Junior College English Teaching , Developing the Students ' Communicative Competence

  19. 英语交际能力调查及学习策略探析

    Investigation on English Communicative Competence & Tentative Analysis of English Learning Strategies

  20. 词汇问题影响语言知识水平和交际能力。

    Vocabulary problems influence the level of language knowledge and communicative competence .

  21. 创造语言环境提高交际能力

    Creating the Language Environment , Improving the Communicative Ability

  22. 文化语境与语言交际能力的培养

    Context of Culture and the Development of Communicative Competence

  23. 论如何提高学生的口语交际能力

    How to Improve Students ' Competence in Oral Communication

  24. 论高校非英语专业学生英语口语交际能力的培养

    The Cultivation of English Spoken Communication Ability of Non-English Speciality Students in Universities

  25. 语法能力、社会语言能力、语篇能力、策略能力构成了交际能力。

    Communicative competence consists of grammatical , sociolinguistic , discourse and strategic competence .

  26. 论中学课堂口语活动与交际能力的培养

    On Classroom Oral Activities and the Development of Communicative Competence in Middle Schools

  27. 论英语的语言能力和交际能力

    On Linguistic Competence and Communicative Competence of English Language

  28. 英语教学的目标&交际能力培养

    Aim of English Teaching & to Foster Communicative Ability

  29. 外语课程强调交际能力。

    The curriculum for foreign languages emphasizes communication skills .

  30. 培养交际能力&组织大学英语教学中的语言交际活动

    Developing Communicative Competence with Reference to Organizing Communicative Activities in College English Teaching