
jiāo tōnɡ tú
  • traffic map
  1. 采用样式表文件XSLT对GML文档进行格式转换,转换成SVG文件进行交通图的发布,为矢量信息可视化提供了一种可行的解决方案。

    Using XSLT transforming GML document into SVG document to issue the traffic map . This method offers an executable resolution of vector information visualization .

  2. 针对调查数据的不足,本研究在空间分析中新增了湖北省DEM数据、湖北省土地利用图和湖北省交通图等地图数据。

    In view of the deficiency of the survey data , this analysis adds some map data , including Hubei DEM data , Hubei land use map , and Hubei traffic map in the spatial analysis .

  3. 看见我的交通图了吗?

    Have you seen my road map ?

  4. 接着我们通过华中科技大学交通图,研究了DCN网络的权重对DCN网络稳定性的影响。

    Then the influence of the weight of DCN networks on the stabilities of DCN networks are studies by use of the traffic map of Huazhong University of Science and Technology .

  5. 城市治安交通图编绘的设计思想

    The design thought of comprehensive control and communication maps in cities

  6. 利用高空间分辨率卫星遥感数据制作影像交通图

    Traffic Image Map Using High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data

  7. 数字交通图自动录入系统

    The Automatic input System of the Digital Traffic Map

  8. 军事交通图数据库支持下的自动制图综合研究

    Automated cartographic generalization in military traffic map Databank

  9. 司机把交通图打开,放在膝盖上。

    The drive opened the road-map out , and laid it on his knee .

  10. 聚焦城市旅游交通图&以上海市为例

    Focusing on Urban Traffic and Tourist Map & A Case study of Shanghai City

  11. 在出口处有一个交通图,我们去看看吧。

    There 's a traffic map at the exit . let 's go and look .

  12. 一种求解交通图最短路径的方案

    A Project for Solving the Shortest Path

  13. 给每组同学一张北京交通图,你现在是在海淀桥,如何到达长城?

    Suppose you are at Haidian Bridge now , you 'll go to the Great Wall .

  14. 多次为自治区政府部门免费提供内蒙古自治区行政区划图、交通图、气候图、资源图等。

    Repeatedly provided free of charge for the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region government administrative zoning map , traffic maps , weather maps , resource maps .

  15. 你认识些汉字,找到要去的地方不成问题,因此你在道路交通图上努力寻找代表这些地名的汉字。

    You know some Chinese characters , enough to find your way around with , so you look for the Chinese characters on the street maps .

  16. 评价要求为在市区任意选择二点,利用城市交通图和指路标志,乘出租车从一点到另一点。

    The evaluation requires taking a taxi to and fro from any two spots in the city by means of traffic map and traffic signs in the city .

  17. 注意最终得到的图仍然告诉我们电路网络究竟是如何连接的,交通图中一个点到其它点间是否有直通通道以及哪两个足球队之间进行比赛;

    Note that the resulting graph still tell us how the eletrical network is wired up , whether there is a direct road from one intersection to another and which football teams have played which ;

  18. 赫兹中国所有车辆都配备医用药箱、市交通图、泉水、阳伞及车载手机充电器供顾客免费使用。你的箱子里有中药吗?

    All Hertz vehicles are equipped with First Aid box , City travel and transportation map , Mineral water , Umbrella and Cell phone charger . Do you have any Chinese medicine with you in your cases ?

  19. 以长春市道路交通图为搜索范例,文中所述的算法可行,较一般的遗传算法和有损算法有着更高的搜索效率和更精确的最优解。

    After the Search of Chang chun City traffic map , the algorithm described in the text viable , it has a higher efficiency and more accurate optimal solution as general genetic algorithm and detrimental to the search algorithm has .

  20. 利用GIS将因子分析结果插值得到五个因子的空间分布图,与交通分布图和企业分布图相叠加,解析西安市表层土壤重金属的来源。

    The GIS interpolation maps with five factors from factors analysis , overlaying traffic maps and enterprises maps were used for analyzing the sources of heavy metals in Xi ' an urban topsoil .

  21. 在交通网络图上实现可视化路径查找

    Looking for Visual Best Path in the Graph of Communication Network

  22. 部分的交通标志图,了解其中的含义。

    Read these signs and match them with their meanings .

  23. 自动编制城市交通系列图计算机软件

    Computer softwares for automatically compiling city traffic serial maps

  24. 变比例尺投影法在城市交通游览图中的应用与研究

    The application and studies of variable scale map projection to urban traffic and tourist map

  25. 如果再结合路径选择,就能够得到不同时间的路网交通流量图,为城市规划及交通管理提供更多参考信息。

    IF path selection is considerate , times-network traffic flow diagram which provides additional reference information will be shown for traffic managers to develop measures .

  26. 罗月霞说,由于这份地图是为在金华的外籍人士提供方便,所以最终定位在交通旅游图上。

    Luoyue Xia said that since the map is in Jinhua to facilitate foreigners who , in the end position in traffic on the tourist map .

  27. 取而代之的是,学校在录取通知书中附上了城市交通路线图,这样5963名新生坐公交便能找到学校了。

    Instead , the school attached with its offer letters a transportation map of the city on which the 5963 freshmen could find the campus by public transport .

  28. 新版地图编制工程师向记者介绍,此次修改的地图有《沈阳市地区图》、《大沈阳城区图》、《沈阳市辖区图》以及《沈阳市交通旅游图》。

    Engineers of the new map told reporter that the maps published include Shenyang City Areas Map , Shenyang Urban Area Map , Area Map under Shenyang 's Jurisdiction and Traffic Map of Shenyang City .

  29. 本文以摄影测量技术为基础,采用Visualc++面向对象的编程语言开发道路交通事故现场图自动绘制系统。

    The paper has used object-oriented programming language Visual C + + to develop the automatic drawing system of road traffic accident scene diagram based on photogrammetry technology .

  30. 运用Visio快速绘制道路交通事故现场图

    Using Visio quick-drawing graphics for the scene of road traffic accident