- 网络Trader;dealer;day trader;floor trader

The length of a man 's ring finger may predict his success as a financial trader .
Former market trader Chris Dawson founded the Range discount stores which he describes as " the working man 's John Lewis . "
Dealers said investors remain bearish
A fat-finger error is a keyboard input1 error in the financial markets such as the stock market or foreign exchange market whereby an order to buy or sell is placed of far greater size than intended , for the wrong stock or contract , at the wrong price , or with any number of other input errors .
Some have been reacting to us economic data on the basis that stronger figures could make an Obama victory more likely .
One of those was " mark " a trader poached from a rival in early 2008 with the promise of a big " guaranteed bonus " .
Chinese traders have been closing out cotton positions on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on expectations a release from the reserves will send domestic futures tumbling .
UBS trader Kweku Adoboli was arrested on September 14 on charges of fraud and false accounting .
Currency traders are asking a question : if the US Federal Reserve is not concerned about the dollar 's current levels , why should they be ?
It sat on the desk of every employee , from Trader C and his fellow dudes up to the directors . At all companies it is the buck that should never be passed .
Without the continued ECB intervention , Italian bond yields would have probably blown out into the double digits , European debt traders tell Fortune .
Traders said the European Central Bank had been in the market buying Italian debt , although its action appeared limited .
I and my colleague Lionel page looked at the Sharpe ratios of a group of male high-frequency traders between 2005 and 2007 .
Rival traders said PVM does not take positions on its own behalf but on behalf of clients .
But qe3 has muddied the waters , traders say .
Matthew Simpson , a senior trader at Deutsche , also left the company after submitting his own complaint to the sec .
Last month two former UBS traders sued the Switzerland-based bank alleging they were wrongfully dismissed and accused by the bank of gross misconduct .
It is important for their virtues not to be sacrificed to the other uses traders find for them .
The CFTC has never explained why it did not name the trader publicly .
While the market recovered quickly after the hoax was exposed , it showed just how many Wall Street traders were now relying on twitter for trading information .
Traders warned that without ECB intervention , the Italian bond markets would have seen leaps in yields that forced Ireland and Portugal to accept emergency bail-outs .
Back in February , traders on the floor of Royal Bank of Scotland in Connecticut gasped in shock at their screens .
1954 : Partners bond trader William Townsend to become chairman and president of Townsend-Greenspan & Co , a consulting business that makes economic forecasts .
Jared is a bond trader .
The BoE has its own dealers operating in forex markets ; it appears that they failed to notice such patterns .
Last week , a Cambridge scientist revealed that what sorts out successful traders from the rest of us is that they have relatively longer ring fingers than index fingers .
ConAgra paid a civil monetary penalty of $ 12 million .
" No one knows what will happen , " says Tina Wang of steel business briefing , a former iron ore trader . " Things are much more unpredictable than usual . "
There has been public outrage over plans to pay AIG derivatives traders $ 165m in bonuses after the company received $ 160bn of taxpayer funds to stay afloat .
The company said that cleverly named ETFs will come quicker to traders ' and institutional investors ' minds as they sift through lists of funds .