
  • 网络interchange format;exchange formats;JFIF;EBIF
  1. 这些小部件使用一种XML交换格式来与服务器交换数据。

    The widgets use an XML interchange format to exchange data with the server .

  2. 通常情况下,这样的API允许应用程序选择交换格式。

    Frequently , such an API allows the application to choose the interchange format .

  3. XML是Internet上优秀的数据交换格式之一。

    XML is the preeminent data exchange format on the Internet .

  4. 基于XML交换格式的农业信息术语库系统构建

    Design of Agricultural Information Terminology Data Base ground on XML

  5. XML是标准的数据交换格式。

    XML is a standard format for data exchange .

  6. 电子政务中基于XML的空间数据交换格式研究

    Approach to spatial data exchange format based on XML

  7. 数据交换格式与通讯协议均用XML定义;

    All data and protocols are encoded in XML ;

  8. XML越来越多地在不同的行业被作为消息交换格式。

    Increasingly , XML is being used as a message exchange format in a variety of industries .

  9. 公共消息交换格式(SOAP)。

    A common format for exchanging messages ( SOAP ) .

  10. 这个规范试图为基于XML的需求说明书引入一种通用的模型和数据交换格式。

    This specification tries to introduce a common model and data exchange format for requirement specifications based on XML .

  11. 在选择转换技术时,由于XML已经成为Internet企业应用的标准数据交换格式。

    XML has emerged as the dominant standard data exchange formats for Internet-based business applications , so it is first technology selected .

  12. 对GIS软件所支持的操作系统,数据库界面及数据交换格式作了深入的比较与分析。

    The operation systems , database interfaces and data exchange formats supported by GIS softwares are carefully compared and analyzed .

  13. XML作为网络中的信息交换格式,一出现便得到了广泛的应用和支持。

    As a format for information transaction , XML has obtained a broad sustainment and has been wildly used in the internet .

  14. 分析了MATLAB和MFC间矩阵数据交换格式;

    The format of matrix data exchange between MATLAB and MFC is anal sized ;

  15. 本文研究和探讨了使用XML作为数据交换格式对Web上的数据和Web日志进行数据挖掘,从而发现关联规则。

    In this paper we study and discuss the use of XML as data switch pattern in web data mining and web log mining area .

  16. FIX是众多企业间数据交换格式之一,用于在商业活动中交换信息。

    FIX is one of many business-to-business based exchange formats that allow financial institutions to exchange information .

  17. 有时候,企业可能会从合作伙伴或者客户那里接收到作为商定的交换格式或者行业标准的XML。

    At times , a business receives XML from a partner or customer as part of an agreed-to exchange format or industry standard .

  18. 鉴于XML作为业务与企业间的数据交换格式如此流行,拥有这两个益处是十分重要的。

    Having these two benefits is important given XML has become such a popular data interchange format between businesses and within the enterprise .

  19. XML语言是目前网络上的通用数据交换格式,在网格和数据网格的发展中起到巨大的作用。

    The XML ( Extensible Markup Language ) as the universal data transferring format is very important in Grid and Data Grid development .

  20. 本文在Android应用程序背景下介绍了XML和JSON数据交换格式。

    This article introduced XML and JSON data-interchange formats in the context of an Android application .

  21. 这篇文章主要说明Android平台上XML和JSON数据交换格式的使用。

    This article demonstrates the use of XML and JSON data-interchange formats on the Android platform .

  22. 比较新的数据源和应用程序甚至可能不需要XML适配器,因为它们可能使用XML作为主要数据交换格式。

    Newer data sources and applications might not even require XML adapters , because they might use XML as their native data exchange format .

  23. JPEG文件交换格式,图像文件格式标准。

    JFIF – JPEG File Interchange Format , image file format standard .

  24. 设计了基于XML的数据交换格式和数据组织方法,定义了数据映射字典,给出了数据交换体系。

    This design is based on the exchange format and data organization method of XML , defines data mapping dictionary and gives data exchange system .

  25. 它们都是用JSON作为它们的交换格式。

    They both use JSON as their exchange format .

  26. 随着XML被国际上许多组织采纳作为标准数据交换格式,XML文档处理技术日益受到关注。

    As XML is used by many international organizations as a standard interchanging data form , the importance of the processing technologies of XML document is increased .

  27. 现在,设置好API、交换格式和XML标准后,即可开始开发服务器端功能了。

    Now , when the API , the exchange format , and the XML standard are set , you can start developing the server-side functions .

  28. 本文的目标是阐释如何采用特定于行业的交换格式的端到端XML架构,快速创建一个有效的应用程序。

    The goal of this article is to illustrate how to create a functioning application quickly by adopting an end-to-end XML architecture for a specific industry-specific exchange format .

  29. 最初,许多企业仅仅将XML作为一种信息交换格式,构建它是为了发送和解析收到的内容,以从中提取所需的数据。

    Initially , many businesses treated XML as an information exchange format only , constructing it for sending and deconstructing upon receipt to extract the data they wanted .

  30. 本文提出用XML作为证书的表现形式。XML作为一种网络的标准数据交换格式,是一种趋势。

    This thesis proposes that certificate could use XML as representation format . It is a trend that XML is a standard flexible data framework using in network .