
  • 网络The Mayflower;may flower;Mayflower II
  1. 民主的生命力被记载在我们自己的五月花号公约中,被记载在独立宣言、

    Its vitality was written into our own Mayflower Compact , into the Declaration of Independence ,

  2. 五月花号登陆1620年的今天,新教徒们乘坐着五月花号首次登陆现在马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯。

    Mayflower went ashore 1620 - Pilgrims aboard the " Mayflower " went ashore for the first time at present-day Plymouth , Massachusetts .

  3. 英国殖民者在1607年抵达詹姆斯敦的时候,带来了一群鸡。鸡帮助处境艰难的殖民地度过了最初几个凛冽的寒冬。13年后的五月花号(Mayflower)上也带了鸡。

    English settlers arriving at Jamestown in 1607 brought a flock of chickens that helped the struggling colony survive its first harsh winters , and the bird was on the Mayflower 13 years later .

  4. 他的祖先乘坐五月花号到达美国。

    His ancestors came to America on the May flower . dwarf

  5. 自从五月花号船到了马萨诸塞他一家一直住在那儿。

    His family had lived in masachusetts since the mayflower .

  6. 他的祖先是乘五月花号来美洲的。

    His ancestors came to America on the Mayflower .

  7. 在博物馆里有一个“五月花号”的船的缩小模型。

    In the museum there is a miniature of the ship " Mayflower . "

  8. 1620年9月,102人踏上五月花号从英格兰普利茅斯启航。

    In September 1620102 passengers set sail from Plymouth , England on a ship called the Mayflower .

  9. 在今天,超过10%的美国人家谱可以追溯到“五月花号”上。

    Today more than 10 % of all Americans can trace their ancestry back to the Mayflower .

  10. 我的一族并没有乘坐《五月花号》来,但他们就在那里迎接那船的。

    My folks did not come over on the Mayflower , but they were there to meet the boat .

  11. 译文:在今天,超过10%的美国人家谱可以追溯到“五月花号”上。

    TEXT : Today more than 10 % of all Americans can trace their ancestry back to the Mayflower .

  12. 我要一个中号爆米花和一个大杯可乐。他们乘坐的船是五月花号。

    I 'd like a medium popcorn and large Coke . The ship which carried them was called the Mayflower .

  13. 他们乘坐的船是五月花号。他已坐完他最后6个月的牢。

    The ship which carried them was called the Mayflower . They have spent the last six months in prison .

  14. 在博物馆里有一个五月花号船的微缩模型。四月雨绵绵,五月百花妍。

    In the museum there is a miniature of the ship " Mayflower " . April shower brings forth May flowers .

  15. 当住在五月花号上并来回渡到岸上的时候,清教徒们建造了他们自己的房子以及谷仓。

    While living on the Mayflower and ferrying back and forth to land , the Pilgrims built their houses and barns .

  16. 译文:1621年4月,他们的殖民地逐渐成型,“五月花号”返航英国。他们只能在这片陌生的土地上自力更生了。

    TEXT : By April 1621 , their settlement is taking shape . The Mayflower returns to England.The Pilgrims are on their own in an unknown land .

  17. 清教徒前辈移民1620年乘坐五月花号船到达美洲的102名英国人。

    The Pilgrim Fathers ( also the Pilgrims ) are the 102 English people who sailed to America on the Mayflower ( see in picture ) in 1620 .

  18. 在此之前一年,即1620年9月,清教徒搭乘五月花号,航海抵达了一片新大陆,他们在此拥有了自由的生活和无拘束的信仰。

    Just over a year before in September of 1620 , the pilgrims set sail in the Mayflower to settle in a New Land , where they could live and worship freely .

  19. 回复典典的帖子史密斯家族为他们的祖先来自五月花号而骄傲,所以他们聘请了畅销书作家弗兰克麦思卡来查阅并写一本他们的家族史。

    The Smith family was very proud that their ancestors had come over on the Mayflower , so they hired best-selling author Frank McCourt to look up and write a book about their family history .

  20. 年,英国的“五月花”号西班牙式大帆船载着102名

    In 1620 the English galleon Mayfolwer set out from the port of Southampton with 102 pilgrims on board.1620

  21. 我们的教科书是如此描述的:1620年英国清教徒搭乘“五月花”号船抵达“普利茅斯圣岩”(PlymouthRock),由于没有为严冬做好足够的准备,友好的当地人对他们施以援手,为他们提供食物并教授他们如何种植玉米。

    Here 's the lie : Pilgrims on the Mayflower arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620 . Unprepared for the harsh winter , they were saved by the friendly natives , who gave them food and taught them how to plant corn .

  22. 奥尔登和莫林斯于1630年乘“五月花”号到达北美大陆。

    Alden and Mullins arrived on the Mayflower in1630 .

  23. 新“五月花”号与原“五月花”号完全不同,但仍将航行到未知的地方。

    The new Mayflower is nothing like the original but will still be sailing into the unknown .

  24. 1620年,一批清教徒乘坐“五月花”号漂洋过海,去寻求一个宗教自由的地方。

    In1620 , the Pilgrims sailed to America on the May flower , seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship .

  25. 一艘名为“五月花”号的自动驾驶船将于周三驶离普利茅斯,400年前,一艘同名为“五月花”号的船只曾航行到美国。

    An autonomous ship named Mayflower will be departing Plymouth on Wednesday , 400 years after a vessel of the same name sailed to America .

  26. 1620年,一些朝圣者(或称为清教徒)乘坐“五月花”号船去美国寻求宗教自由。

    In 1620 , the settlers , or Pilgrims , they sailed to America on the May flower , seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship .