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wǔ dì
  • the Five Lords;the Five August Emperors
  • the Five Emperors
五帝 [wǔ dì]
  • [the Five Emperors] 传说中的五个古代帝王。通常指黄帝、颛顼( ZhuānXū)、帝喾( Dìkù)、唐尧、虞舜

  1. 五帝是中国神话传说中的五个天神。

    The Five August Emperors are the five gods in Chinese legends .

  2. 五帝时期是中国正式朝代建立前之代称

    The Period before Formal Chinese Dynasties Began Was Called Five - Lord Period

  3. 虞舜是我国历史上著名的“五帝”之一。

    Yu Shun was the one of the Five Rulers in Chinese history .

  4. 中国历史上有个五帝时代

    Era of Five Emperors in the Chinese History

  5. 论中国古代的五帝时代

    On the Five Emperors Age in Ancient China

  6. 从现存文献记载归纳出的四种五帝谱系来看,其基本框架是一致的,只是个别世系略有差别。

    There are four such pedigrees in the existing documents which are quite similar except minor differences .

  7. 陈(557~589)共33年,历三代五帝。

    The Chen lasted 33 years from 557 to 589 , with five emperors of three generations .

  8. 不过,《史记》的“五帝记”和“夏本记”直到本世纪晚些时候才得到考古发现的证明。

    Yet , unfortunately , the first two periods recorded in his classic were not verified until late this century .

  9. 五帝时期,随着国家的形成,原始宗教向古代宗教转化;

    During the formation of states in the Five - King Period , primitive religion moved on to ancient religion .

  10. 早在五帝时代我国就开始了湖盐的生产,有着悠久的湖盐开发历史。

    As early as the time of Wu Di , lake salt was firstly produced and so its history is very long .

  11. 自《五帝本纪》诞生以来,学术界对它的关注可谓历史研究有余,文学研究不足。

    Since the book Wudibenji was created , the academic research of it mainly focus in historical angle , nearly in literary angle .

  12. 北周是宇文氏鲜卑人统治的王朝,历三代五帝,计24年。

    The Northern Zhou was ruled by the Yuwen family of the Xianbei , with five emperors of three generations for 24 years .

  13. 以瘟神五帝信仰为中心的出海,其实质是一种驱逐瘟疫的傩祭。

    The " Chuhai " centered on the faith of " Wudi " is in essence a kind of Nuo sacrifice for driving plague .

  14. 为了全面探求中国玉文化的渊源,对古史传说中的“五帝时期”三大变革与相应考古玉器作了探讨。

    In order to trace the origin of Chinese jade culture , three revolutionary events in five emperors period in legend and its relevant prehistoric jade has been researched .

  15. 从民族学的角度及当时的历史背景分析,五帝之间并非直系血缘的父子、子孙关系,而是氏族、部落发展过程中的分裂与分化。

    From the perspective of ethnology and the historical background , the five emperors had no blood relationship but emerged from the development and division of the clans and tribes .

  16. 五帝谱系不是五帝的家谱,而是对于中国上古氏族部落乃至民族历史发展轨迹的反映。

    Thus , the pedigrees of five emperors are not the family history of the five emperors but a record of the history of the clans and tribes in ancient China .

  17. 新石器时代是人类物质文明与精神文化一个大发展的时期。这一时期的艺术既有别于旧石器时代,又不同于五帝时代。

    Humanity material civilization and spiritual culture developed fast in the Neolithic Age when the art was different from the one of the Paleolithic Age as well as the Five-Emperor 's Age .

  18. 《史记》是一部纪传体通史,全书共13卷,记录了从五帝至汉武帝之间的历史。

    However , Records of the Historian is totally different , and it is a thirteen-volumeyuan general history of China covering the period from the mythical Five Emperors down to Han Wudi .

  19. 尧是传说时代的部落联盟首领,五帝之一,受到万民敬仰的华夏文明始祖。

    As one of " Five Emperors ", Yao was the leader of the tribal alliance in the Legendary Age and the ancestor of Huaxia civilization , who was revered by common people .

  20. 从五帝时代到商朝,诗言志是统治者用语言向神表达感情、表露心迹的一种方式。

    From the five emperors ' era to the Shang Dynasty ," Poetry as Expression of Ambitions " was the sacrificial offering in language and a way of revealing the feelings to God by rulers .

  21. 孔子对五帝三王的论述虽有夸大其辞之处,但决非无稽之谈,而是有其真实的历史素地。

    Although Confucius ' argumentation to " Wu Di " and " San Wang " has places that exaggerates its diction , but not a baseless gossip , and it is plain to have its true history .

  22. 舜,传说中的远古帝王,五帝之一,姓姚,名重华,号有虞氏,史称虞舜。

    Shun , a legendary ancient emperor and one of the Five Emperors , had a surname of Yao and a last name of Chonghua . He was also known as Yushi or called as Yushun in Chinese history .

  23. 孔子依据当时流传的上古历史事实,对其进行创造性地改造,形成了符合于儒家政治理念的五帝三王体系。

    According to the historical fact of ancient times spreading at that time , Kong Zi carry on the transformation creatively to it , has formed systems of " Wu Di " and " San Wang " which accord with the Confucian political idea .