
  • 网络moire method;moiré method;Shadow Moire Method
  1. 受冲击载荷作用开口圆环动态变形的云纹法实验研究

    Experimental study of dynamic deformation of the opening circle ring under impact load action by moire method

  2. 试验表明,采用光弹贴片法可有效地测定疲劳荷载作用下砼裂缝扩展过程.测定薄壳应力的光弹性两次贴片法光弹性贴片和云纹法在GN-12拖拉机应力测试中的应用

    The application of the photoelastic coating method and the moire method in the measurement of stress field for the frame of the gn-12 tractor

  3. SEM扫描云纹法的相移技术研究

    Phase shifting techniques for SEM scanning moire method

  4. SEM扫描云纹法相移技术在MEMS中的应用

    Application of Phase Shifting Technique for SEM Scanning Moir é Method in MEMS

  5. TEM纳米云纹法测量纳米碳管变形

    Deformation measurement of nanotubes by tem nano-moir é method

  6. 相移逻辑云纹法(PSALM)用于位移场和应变场测试

    The displacement and strain field measurement by phase shifting and logical Noire

  7. 材料在应力波作用下的断裂&云纹法和HPB装置测动态COD

    Fracture of materials under stress wave loading & dynamic COD measurement by the Moire-fringe method and Hopkinson pressure bar

  8. 用云纹法、散斑法等实验方法获得平面问题位移场,即u、v条纹图后,求应变(或应力)的方法有数值微分法、光学微分法和有限元法等。

    There have been some methods , such as numerical differentiation , photographic differentiation and the finite element method , etc , to calculate strains from the u , v fringe patterns that obtained by means bf moire methods and speckle methods .

  9. 将Talbot效应与实验力学相结合,提出用斜入射的圆锥形扩散球面波通过衍射光栅产生的Talbot效应,测定板面曲率的剪切干涉云纹法。

    Combining Talbot effect with experimental mechanics , this paper presents the principle , method and optical arrangement system about the diffraction and Talbot shearing interferometry with an oblique incidence spread spherical wave for determining curvature of a plate surface .

  10. 本文在缺陷体流变学理论框架的指导下就聚丙烯材料运用云纹法进行了系列实验,并用Algor有限元软件进行了模拟计算;同时就孔洞对主裂纹影响的时间效应进行了探讨。

    In this paper , under the theoretical framework of rheology of bodies with defects , series of experiments on influence of voids on a main crack of polypropylene plane were made by using Moire technique , and analogous calculations were made by using Algor Finite Element Analysis .

  11. 云纹法对钢丝帘线-橡胶复合材料力学性能测定的研究

    Determination of mechanical properties of steel cord-rubber composites by moire method

  12. 应用几何云纹法测量模型的瞬态变形

    Measurement of Instantaneous Deformation of a Model by Geometric Moire Method

  13. 反射型云纹法在岩石爆破机理研究中的应用

    Application of dynamic reflection moire method in studying rock blasting mechanism

  14. 面外云纹法与相位法关系的研究

    Research on the relations between out-of-plane moire method and phase method

  15. 反射型云纹法在爆炸加载超动态实验力学中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Reflection Moire Method to Specimens under Explosive Loading

  16. 用动态云纹法测定岩石断裂失稳点

    Determining critical time of rock dynamic fracture by dynamic moire method

  17. 用云纹法研究巷道围岩的变形

    Study on the Deformation of Surrounding Rock Excavation by Moire Method

  18. 影像云纹法的原理及其在工程地质中的应用

    The principle of shadow moire method and its application to engineering geology

  19. 高温密栅云纹法测定高温材料热膨胀系数的研究

    Measurement of Linear Expansion Coefficient for High-temperature material by moir é interferometry

  20. 用错位云纹法测量位移导数场

    Measurement of Derivatives Field of Displacement Using Shearing Moire Method

  21. 用云纹法研究压剪变形用全息错位干涉计量术判别物体变形方向

    Study on the Compressing and Shearing Deformation with Fringe Technique

  22. 相移逻辑云纹法用于三维物体面形测量

    The 3-D Shape Measurement with Phase-Shift and Logical Moire Method

  23. 应用自动相移影像云纹法测量物体的三维形貌

    Application of Shadow-Moire in Measurement and Research on 3D Profile by Phase-shift

  24. 影像云纹法测量材料泊松比的实验研究

    Measurement of Poisson 's Ratio of Nonmetal Materials by Shadow Moire Method

  25. 特种服装模型密栅云纹法变形测量

    Deformation measurement of special clothing model using the moire method

  26. 疲劳裂纹尖端塑性区的云纹法测定

    The measurement of plastic zone at fatigue crack tip by fringe method

  27. 介绍了一种适宜大应变测量的密栅云纹法实验装置及其试验技术。

    The experimental device and technique for measuring large strain are described .

  28. 用投影云纹法所测得的结果同理论计算值基本吻合。

    The results obtained by the moire method are consistent with theoretic values .

  29. 数字仿真形貌影栅云纹法及实验系统的原理

    Basic Principles of Digital Simulation Shadow Moir é Profilometry and Its Experimental System

  30. 岩石材料单轴受压变形特性的数字云纹法测定

    The Determination of Rock Material Deformation Under Uniaxial Compression by Digital Moire Method