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  1. 这位发言人拒绝说出宾馆的名称,但当地的YTN电视台说这家宾馆名叫洛特宾馆,座落于汉城市政府附近的一个繁华商业区内。

    He declined to identify the hotel but local YTN television said it was the Lotte Hotel , located in a busy shopping area close to Seoul 's City Hall .

  2. 变羊故事发端于汉译佛经故事。

    The story of changing sheep comes from Chinese translation of Buddhist Scriptures .

  3. 最终我是被我们自己的文化所征服,这一次真正归位于汉。

    Finally , I was conquered by ourselves culture and this time I regard the Han as my family .

  4. 小学教育本科专业的教学计划应确定小学教师语文素养在整体素质结构中的位置及其有异于汉语言文学专业的特殊性。

    The teaching plans for primary education major should definitely state the importance of Chinese qualification for primary school teachers .

  5. 其次,借助于汉朝语,我们能够进一步加深对中古汉语语音的研究和认识。

    Secondly , through the help of the Korean Phonetic Loan , we can further deepen our understanding of the Middle Chinese sounds .

  6. 游移于汉、苗文化罅隙之间的歌者&论苗族诗人何小竹的区域文化特质

    A Combination of Cultures of Han Nationality and Miao Nationality & On the Cultural Feature of HE Xiao-zhu , A Poet of Miao Nationality

  7. 儒学化诏书形成于汉武帝时期,并成为古代社会通行的诏书形制。

    The confucianized imperial edicts came into being in the period of Emperor Wu and became the model imperial edict style in the ancient society .

  8. 然而新的发现也表明,中国丝绸出现在西方的历史明显要早于汉高祖在位期间有组织地开展丝绸之路贸易的时间。

    But the new discoveries show that Chinese silk was apparently present in the West long before the Han emperor started organized trade over the Silk Road .

  9. 中国的剪纸起源于汉,到了南北朝时期早已相当精熟,而真正繁盛时期应该是在清代中期以后。

    It appeared as early as the Han Dynasty , and matured in the Northern and Southern Dynasties , but its flourishing period came after mid-Qing Dynasty .

  10. 《左传》展示了中华民族古老的文化历史风貌,如一颗璀璨的宝石闪耀于汉民族数千年的文化旅程。

    " left biography " has demonstrated the ancient cultural historical outlook of Chinese nation , glitter as a bright gem in the Chinese national cultural route of thousands of years .

  11. 岭南文化教育始于秦,创立及发展于汉、唐,完善于宋,兴盛于元末明初。

    The culture and education of Ling Nan was originated in Qing dynasty , formed and developed in Han Tang dynasty , consummated in Song dynasty and thrived in Yuan Ming dynasty .

  12. 英民族文化不同于汉民族文化,因而动物名称鸡在英汉语言中存在国俗语义同异并存现象。

    As English culture is quite different from Chinese culture , there must exist some similarities and differences in the animal word " chicken " between English and Chinese national cultural meanings .

  13. 《山海经》流传史上的“暂显于汉”是值得注意的现象,这与其魏晋时的“寝废”状态形成了明显对比。

    The spreading of The Classic of Mountains and Rivers in Han Dynasty is a noticeable phenomenon , which presents a striking contrast with the decline state in Wei and Jin Dynasties .

  14. 本文拟从三个方面来探讨这个问题。一、曹魏大逆不道罪中的妇女连坐问题大逆不道罪创制于汉,至曹魏时,又有所发展演变。

    This paper probes into this question from three respects . First , the problem of incrimination of women in the crime of treason and heresy The crime of treason and heresy was formulated in Han Dynasty .

  15. 清朝中叶,满洲人长期置身于汉地社会和都市生活环境的影响下,其“国语骑射”的本领在逐渐丧失。

    In the middle of Qing Dynasty , Manchus , having lived in the central region for a long time and affected by city life , gradually lost their abilities of " National language and ride " .

  16. 贾谊生于汉高祖刘邦七年(前200),卒于汉文帝前元十二年(前168),处于先秦《诗》学向汉代《诗》学发展的重要时期。

    Jia Yi was born seven years , the Han emperor Liu Bang ( 200BC ), died of Han Wen Yuan years ago ( 168BC ), in Pre-Qin Poetry to the Han Dynasty Poetry important period of development .

  17. b有助于此类汉、英派生动词的互译。

    Beneficial to the mutual translation of the Chinese and English verbal derivatives .

  18. 本研究着眼于分析汉英语码使用变异特征以及变异发生的原因。

    This research is intended to analyze the features and reasons of Chinese-English code variation .

  19. 本命年的红色讲究应该是源于中国汉民族传统文化对于红色的崇拜。

    The emphasis of red colour in chinese culture originated from the han-chinese culture 's veneration towards red colour .

  20. 解决汉译彝中一词多义的误译现象,有助于提高汉译彝的翻译能力。

    To solve the problem of mistranslation of polysemy can help improve our ability to translate Chinese into Yi Language .

  21. 本文通过对普通电子字典词库结构原理的讨论,得出一种新的适合于夏汉电子字典的特殊的变长记录词库结构。

    This paper has a result of a new fit Variable length record for Xia-Han electronic dictionary through discusses word library structure of ordinary electronic dictionary .

  22. 本论文希望有助于实现汉译英中汉语话语权,以更广泛地传播中国文化。

    Hopefully , this research will shed light into the realization of the discourse power of Chinese in C-E translation so as to introduce Chinese culture to the world .

  23. 它们有时候会被贴上引人遐想的标签,比如“有助于了解汉长城沿线生活的重要文物”,但没有说明原因。

    Sometimes they would have a tantalizing label like " an important relic for understanding life on the Han dynasty Great Wall , " but they didn 't explain why .

  24. 在研习了地图之后,美国记者罗伯特•卡普兰也倾向于马汉的观点,他在《外交》杂志上把印度洋海岸描述成“一个巨大的能源交易网络”。

    Writing in Foreign Affairs , Robert Kaplan , an American journalist , whose poring over maps also suggests Mahanite tendencies , describes the whole Indian Ocean seaboard as " a vast web of energy trade " .

  25. 錞于是我国古代流行于春秋至汉的一种青铜打击乐器。

    The Chinese percussion instruments are various kinds and they used in wide ranging .

  26. 文本分析模式于应用文体汉译英之研究

    Study on Application of Model of Text Analysis to C-E Translation of Practical Writings

  27. 目的论可应用于导游词汉译英的实践活动中。

    The Skopos theory is applicable in the C-E translation of tour guide commentary .

  28. 对保存于三种汉译佛经中的日影资料进行了分析和讨论。

    The material of noon shadow preserved in the three different Buddhist Scriptures is analyzed and discussed .

  29. 名士渊源于后汉,汉末的社会环境、风尚对名士有较大的影响。

    The movement of striking groupings had great influence on the literature of the late Han Dynasty .

  30. 亲爱的朋友,我来自中国,毕业于中山大学汉语言文学专业,一直在研究古代汉语。

    Dear friend , I come from China , graduated from zhongshan university Chinese literature , all the times has research ancient Chinese .