
  • 网络Event Risk
  1. 医疗器械不良事件风险的防范与管理

    Medical instrument not good event risk guard and management

  2. 基于搜寻的有限参与、事件风险与流动性溢价

    Search-Based Limited Participation 、 Event Risk and Liquidity Premium

  3. 基于GIS的城市突发公共事件风险评估应急管理平台研究

    Research on Urban Public Emergency Risk Assessment and Emergency Management Platform Based on GIS

  4. Cox比例风险分析显示较高的心率有较高的总死亡率和心脑血管病事件风险。

    Cox proportional hazards analysis showed that there was a trend of higher cardio-cerebrovascular events and all cause of death with higher HR .

  5. 低踝臂指数(ABI)与动脉粥样硬化和心脑血管事件风险增加相关。

    Context A low ankle brachial index ( ABI ) indicates atherosclerosis and an increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events .

  6. 本文将风险分析方法与模糊数学理论结合起来,提出了一种新的水库大坝安全应急管理区域风险评估方法,并开展了基于GIS技术的水库大坝安全突发事件风险损失评估方法研究。

    Combined the methods of risk analysis and fuzzy mathematical theory , the thesis presents a study on the theory of dam emergency region risk assessment and study a new method of risk losses assessment based on GIS technology .

  7. 某1000MW级汽轮发电机漏氢事件风险分析

    Risk analysis of a hydrogen leakage event for a certain 1 000 MW turbine generator

  8. 花旗私人银行(CitiPrivateBank)负责纽约大都市区域投资业务的主管菲尔•沙奇(PhilSharkey)说,全球市场还存在很多压力,突发事件风险较大,这都可能导致市场出现波动。

    ' There are a lot of stresses in the global marketplace and events that could lead to volatility , ' says Phil Sharkey , head of investments for the New York metropolitan region at Citi Private Bank .

  9. 重大突发事件风险管理研究

    The Study on the Risk Management of the Present Major Emergencies

  10. 中学环境教育中突发事件风险意识的教育和培养

    Educating and Raising Thunderbolt Risk Consciousness of Middle School Environmental Education

  11. 医疗机构器械不良事件风险成因及对策

    Risk Cause and Countermeasure on Adverse Apparatus Events of Medical Institutions

  12. 阿司匹林抵抗程度的增强可能与心血管事件风险的增加独立相关。

    Aspirin resistance may increase the risk of cardiovascular events .

  13. 区域环境污染事件风险分区技术及其应用

    Technique to Regional Risk Zonation of Environmental Pollution Accident and Its Application

  14. 区域突发环境污染事件风险与应急对策

    Analysis of risk and emergency countermeasures for pollution eventualities

  15. 考虑事件风险的在险价值研究

    Study of Value at Risk Based on Event Risk

  16. 城市突发公共事件风险评估模型分一般数学模型和风险评估常见模型两类。

    It includes two kinds of models named general model and common risk assessment mathematical model .

  17. 然而,高血糖增加不良心血管事件风险的机制仍不明确。

    This we think probably plays an important role in the high risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes .

  18. 城市水源地突发性水污染事件风险评价体系及方法的实证研究

    Empirical Studies on Risk Assessment System of Accidental Water Pollution Events in City 's Source Water Area

  19. 一项短暂性脑缺血发作或轻度缺血性脑卒中后的远期存活率与血管事件风险的队列研究

    Long-term survival and vascular event risk after transient ischaemic attack or minor ischaemic stroke : A cohort study

  20. 事件风险、有限参与和资产价格重估&基于搜寻理论的一个竞争性均衡模型

    Event Risk , Limited Participation and Revaluation of Asset Price & A Competitive Model Based on Search Theory

  21. “我们需要新的或改良的心血管事件风险预测工具以提供可靠的预后信息。”他说。

    " New or adjusted CV risk-prediction tools are needed to provide reliable prognostic information ," he said .

  22. 增长减速,融资状况不断恶化,将会导致企业倒闭,银行业突发事件风险增加。

    Deceleration of growth and deteriorating financing conditions will trigger business failures and increase the risk of banking emergencies .

  23. 自主神经的功能紊乱可能是心血管事件风险增加的原因之一。

    The functional disorder of autonomic nerve may be one of the reasons of increased risk in cardiovascular events .

  24. 但天野之弥赞同那些淡化灾难性事件风险的核专家。

    But Mr Amano added his voice to those nuclear experts playing down the risk of a catastrophic event .

  25. 主要研究带有事件风险的永久美式期权的定价及其最优停时问题。

    In this paper , the valuation of permanent American options in the presence of non-hedgeable event risk is considered .

  26. 本文在一个合适的等价鞅测度下,给出了带有事件风险的永久美式期权的定价及其最优停时。

    Then , for a given equivalent martingale measure , the optimal stopping problem of the permanent American option is solved .

  27. 基于突变级数法的区域风险投资环境评价区域突发环境污染事件风险与应急对策

    Evaluation on the Regional Venture Capital Based on Sudden Change Progression ; Analysis of risk and emergency countermeasures for pollution eventualities

  28. 采用风险分类-要素分析-风险排序的思路,对北京市核与辐射恐怖事件风险进行分析。

    The risk of nuclear and radiation terrorism in Beijing was analyzed according to the thread of risk classification-factor analysis-risk ranking .

  29. 奥氮平治疗血管性痴呆行为症状时的脑血管事件风险:一项开放标记的对照研究

    Olanzapine as a possible treatment of behavioral symptoms in vascular dementia : Risks of cerebrovascular events - A controlled , open-label study

  30. 通过对上海指数的实证研究表明,资产的事件风险是不可忽略的,考虑事件风险的在险价值更加合理。

    The empirical study on index of Shanghai security market shows it 's reasonable and necessary to incorporate event risk to VaR models .