
  1. 行政事业支出连年攀升,居高不下;对于支而言,就是要规范核算。

    The expenditure of administrative undertaking soars year after year , remain high ;

  2. 调整文教科学卫生事业支出,增加社会保障支出;

    Adjust operating expenses for culture education science and health care , increase the social security expenditure ;

  3. 大部分中低收入国家在这方面的支出不足全部卫生事业支出的2%。

    The majority of low and middle-income countries spend less than 2 % of their health budget on mental health .

  4. 社会文教事业费支出

    Expenditure on social service , culture and education

  5. 科学事业费支出效果

    Effect of science expenditure

  6. 其次,要优化财政支农支出结构,加大对农业基础设施和农业科研的投资力度,压缩农业事业费支出,提高新统计口径中的农业支出比例。

    Secondly , optimizing the structure , increasing infrastructure and research investment , reducing the operating expenses , improving the proportion of agriculture expenditure in the new statistics .

  7. 很多单位将专项经费用作一般事业性支出,如油料费,汽车修理费、汽车保险费、聘用人员工资等;

    Many units will be the cause of special funds for general expenditures , such as fuel costs , car repairs , car insurance , staff wages , etc.

  8. 专项转移支付9966.93亿元,增长44.6%,增幅高主要是增加了补助地方教育、医疗卫生等重点事业发展支出。

    The large increase in this last item was mainly due to the huge increase in expenditures required to subsidize key local programs such as education and medical and health care .

  9. 财政事业性公共支出行为的分析与规范

    The analysis and regulation of public fiscal semi-administration expenditure action

  10. 交通事业单位项目支出预算评价研究

    A Study to the Appraisal of the Appropriation Budget Project of the Cause Institution under the Ministry of Communications

  11. 同样持稳的还有占固定资产投资20%的公共基础设施投资,在公用事业方面的支出抵消了交通建设支出的下降。

    Also holding steady is the 20 per cent of FAI in the form of public infrastructure , as rising spending on utilities offsets a fall in transport .

  12. 卫生服务投入指标有:每千人口医生数、每千人口医院床位数、卫生总费用占GDP比例、卫生事业费占财政支出比例;

    Index for health care input are the number of doctor per thousand people , beds per thousand people , percentage of total health expenditure to GDP and percentage of health recurrent expenditure to financial expenditure .

  13. 在国外发达国家和地区,地方政府为满足地方经济与社会公共事业发展等公共支出需要,可以使用政府税收或者项目收益作为保障,通过直接发行债券的方式进行融资。

    In foreign developed countries and regions , in order to meet the needs of the local economy and society , the local government revenue or income of the project can be used as security , by directly issuing bonds financing .

  14. 中央党政机关和事业单位一般性支出压减5%,各地也压减一般性支出,腾出的资金用于改善民生、发展经济。

    The regular expenditures of central Party and government departments and public institutions were cut by 5 % , and the regular expenditures of local governments were also reduced . The money saved was used to improve people 's lives and grow the economy .

  15. 研究发现,现阶段我国财政支农绝对规模上升,但相对量不足;支持农业生产和事业费的财政支出比例过高,农业科技投入相对较低;财政支农效果不佳、资金管理还有待加强。

    Study found that the scale of rural productive public goods supply increased in absolute size , but relative quantity is not enough ; the proportion of financial expenditure to support agricultural production and operating expenses are too high , but a relatively low investment in agricultural science and technology .

  16. 论教育事业收入与教育事业支出的关系

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Revenue and Expenditure of Education

  17. 教育事业收入和教育事业支出是高校财务核算中使用的主要收支科目,也是高校收入与支出的两条主线。

    The revenue and expenditure of education are two main items in the business accounting of institutions of higher education , and they are also 2 key lines of revenue and expenditure .

  18. 发展教育事业和增加对教育事业的支出,可以使劳动力的结构适合于经济增长对不同技术水平和不同工种的劳动力的需要。

    Developing education and spending more on it can help dovetail the workforce structure with a growing economys need for workers at different technical levels and in different fields of work .

  19. 相对生产企业的营业收入和成本费用来说,教育事业收入具有补偿性特征,教育事业支出具有非补偿性特征。

    Compared with business income and cost , revenue of education is characterized by its compensatory nature , while the expenditure of education is characterized by its non-compensatory nature .

  20. 在卫生领域中,地方政府对医疗卫生事业的投入不足,到2008年大多数样本地区卫生事业费占财政支出的比例不足4%。

    Rate of financial input for health sector in financial expenditure in many sampled counties was still under 4 % until 2008 .