
  1. MRI已经成为乳腺癌筛查和疗效评价不可或缺的影像学检查。

    Mri breast cancer has become a diagnosis and evaluation of the integral effect of intervertebral check .

  2. 这一乳腺癌筛查指南将以加拿大女性的生命为代价,美国放射协会(ACR)认为。

    These breast cancer screening guidelines will cost the lives of Canadian women , according to the American College of Radiology ( ACR ) .

  3. 乳腺癌筛查及早诊早治技术的研究进展

    Technologic Progress in Screening , Early Detection and Treatment for Breast Cancer

  4. 芳香基硫酸酯酶法对结直肠癌和乳腺癌筛查的价值

    Significance of arylsulphatase activity in the screening of colorectal and breast cancer

  5. 从乳腺癌筛查看群众的乳腺癌健康教育需求

    Needs for population on health education from breast cancer screening

  6. 国家乳腺癌筛查项目在辽宁省的实施与成效

    Practice and Achievement of the National Breast Cancer Screening Project in Liaoning

  7. 所有50岁以上的女性都要作乳腺癌筛查。

    Women over 50 should be screened for breast cancer .

  8. 临床体检、钼靶、超声对妇女乳腺癌筛查结果分析

    Analysis of Breast Cancer Screen among Women Through Clinical Examination , Mammography , and Ultrasonography

  9. 欧、美发达国家把x线钼靶检查作为乳腺癌筛查的金标准。

    The X-ray mammography is considered as the gold standard of breast cancer screening in Occident .

  10. 长春市延吉市女性乳腺癌筛查结果分析

    An Analysis of Screening Result for Female Breast Cancer in Changchun and Yanji Cities , Jilin Province

  11. 循环肿瘤细胞指自发或因诊疗操作,经实体瘤脱落进入外周血循环的肿瘤细胞,其数量与肿瘤转移病人癌症发展进展和生存期有着密切相关,可以作为乳腺癌筛查靶标之一。

    CTCs are cells that spontaneously or falling from solid tumors into the peripheral blood with treatment operations .

  12. 几种化合物对东北主要土壤芳基硫酸酯酶活性影响的比较芳香基硫酸酯酶法对结直肠癌和乳腺癌筛查的价值

    Response of arylsulfatase in main soils of northeast China to several regulators Significance of arylsulphatase activity in the screening of colorectal and breast cancer

  13. 结论进行大规模的乳腺癌筛查,对于强化女性健康意识、及时发现病情非常有意义,值得临床考虑。

    Conclusion Taking on large scope of early detection of breast cancer , is meaningful for strengthening the health consciousness and discovering the disease , so it deserved considering in clinical work .

  14. PET/MRI融合,主要是实行在学术和研究环境,可能会起到至关重要的作用在脑成像技术,乳腺癌筛查和脚的小关节影像细节。

    PET / MRI fusion , largely practiced in academic and research settings , could potentially play a crucial role in fine detail of brain imaging , breast cancer screening and small joint imaging of foot .

  15. 结论SELDITOFMS技术在乳腺癌的筛查、早期诊断及临床分期判定等方面具有一定价值,值得进一步深入研究。

    Conclusion Our findings suggested that application of SELDI-TOF-MS can be of great potential for early breast cancer screening , diagnosis and preoperative staging , and deserves further studies .

  16. 结论1、社区的乳腺癌首轮筛查,以及包括乳腺X线和B超的筛查方案有助于提高乳腺癌的检出率。

    The first round of screening as well as the mammography and ultrasound could help to improve the detection rates of breast cancer . 2 .

  17. 目前主要以钼靶、超声作为对乳腺癌的基本筛查手段,CT、磁共振显像、正电子发射电子计算机体层扫描(PET)、PET-CT定位于进一步补充检查。

    Currently , X-ray mammography and ultrasound are the primary imaging modality used in screening , CT , MRI , PET and PET-CT are supplementary modaleties for further detection .

  18. 高频B超在中国妇女致密型乳腺的乳腺癌筛查中的应用

    The application of ultrasonography in breast cancer ′ s screening of chinese women with dense breast

  19. 结论(1)高频超声检查在中国妇女致密型乳腺的乳腺癌筛查中检出小肿块及恶性钙化的敏感性以及准确率要高于钼靶片检查。

    ( Conclusions )( 1 ) For the small breast cancer in dense breast the sensitivity and the accuracy of ultrasonography ( surpassed ) those of mammography .

  20. 目的探讨超声检查及定位在中国妇女致密型乳腺发生的早期乳腺癌筛查中的作用。

    Objective To explore the contribution of ultrasonic examination and localization in early breast cancer screening of chinese women with dense breast .

  21. 乳腺钼靶X线摄影因其简便有效,已成为乳腺癌筛查中最常用的方法。

    Mammography has become the most common mean because of its convenience and efficiency in the current breast cancer screening .