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  1. 如Herminia的《职业身份》一书所述,幻想新的自己是促进改变的巨大力量。

    As Herminia Ibarra outlines in her book Working Identity , imagining new selves can be a powerful force for change .

  2. 据《越墙而下:约塞米蒂亡魂录》一书所述,死亡人数几乎达到了900人之多。

    According to the book " Off the Wall : Death at Yosemite , " the total death toll stands at almost 900 .

  3. 观察社会疾苦的人可能会提到的那两座最使人难忘的街垒,并不属于本书所述故事发生的时期。

    The two most memorable barricades which the observer of social maladies can name do not belong to the period in which the action of this work is laid .

  4. 据判决书所述,宋建国曾收受出租公司、艺术商、房地产商以及其他商人好处费,持续时间至少为8年。

    In its conviction statement , the court said that Song senior had accepted payoffs from taxi services , art dealers , a property developer and others for at least eight years .

  5. 本书按章分述JAVAAPI的各个包,并采用字母顺序。

    Book by chapter points out the various packages JAVA API , and using alphabetical order .

  6. 第二个故事是,他在这本你们必读的书中所述,提醒了陪审团他如何拒绝。

    And the second story you remember from your reading of the book was his telling , reminding the jury how he refused to participate .

  7. 如我在书中所述,在19世纪,印度的政权在相对宽容和不宽容之间摆动。

    As I try to show in my book , there was an oscillation between relatively tolerant and intolerant regimes in India throughout the 19th century .

  8. 后来,如尼斯贝特在《地域性思考》一书中所述,一位优秀的中国留学生开始与他合作,共同研究社会心理学和思维学;

    Later , as Nisbett recounts in " The Geography of Thought ", a brilliant student from China began working with him on questions of social psychology and reasoning ;

  9. 我确信会有一些人的记忆有别于书中所述,或者有人认为我陷入了他的扭曲力场之中。

    I 'm sure there are players in this drama who will remember some of the events differently or think that I sometimes got trapped in Jobs 's distortion field .

  10. 电视节目(或书)中所述的假设是处理人口过剩和全球变暖这双重问题,有三种可供选择的解决方案

    The premise described in the TV program ( and the book ) was that to deal with the twin problems of overpopulation and global warming , there were three alternative solutions

  11. 这本书拙劣地仿述先知在庞贝的生活,被绝大多数穆斯林视为渎神之作。这本书引发的狂澜如此之剧烈,以至于大家几乎都遗忘了其他议题。

    The book was called The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie , and it was a parody of the Prophet 's life set in Bombay . Muslims widely considered it blasphemous and it provoked so much outrage that it seemed people were talking of little else .