
  1. 金正喜在韩国文化史、学术史、书画史上具有极为重要的地位,在韩中文化交流史上贡献突出。

    And also , Kim played an important role in the history of Kore , especially on the aspects of culture , learning , painting and calligraphy .

  2. 中国书法艺术和中国绘画艺术在漫漫数千年的中华书画发展史中,相互依赖、相互借鉴和促进。

    During their long history of development , the art of Chinese calligraphy and traditional painting gained progress through mutual dependence and reference .

  3. 文章的最后归纳了三家的理论成就、审美观念并重新审视了三家在书画理论史上的意义。

    Finally this paper concludes the theoretical achievements and the aesthetic perspectives of the three schools , and re-judges their significance in the calligraphy and painting theory history .

  4. 关于书画鉴藏史的研究,至今仍然是一个有待深入开掘的领域。

    The research of the connoisseurship and collection of Chinese painting and calligraphy remains so far an area yet to be explored deeply .

  5. 本文选择了书画鉴藏史上具有典型意义的明代中期苏州地区私人鉴藏家群体作为切入点展开研究。

    I dove into the study by researching the Ming dynasty 's connoisseur and collection community in Suzhou , which is of a representative significance .

  6. 本论文是关于中国书画鉴藏史的个案研究,选取的研究对象是明代吴门画派的领袖人物文征明。

    This paper presents a case study of connoisseurship and collection history of Chinese painting and calligraphy , and the selected research object is Wen Zhengming , a leader of Wu School of Painting in the Ming Dynasty .

  7. 中华文明如同黄河的流水一样源远流长,承载了数千年的历史,中国书画的发展史几乎就是浓缩了的中国文化史,它涉及到中华文明的每一个方面。

    The Chinese civilization which is as long as the Yellow River water has survived generation after generation and carried thousands of years of history . And the development of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy is almost the condensed history of China , which involves every aspect of Chinese civilization .

  8. 走进“存珍堂”历代中国书画复制精品展的展厅,使人仿佛置身于中国书画史的长卷中。

    Into " Cun Zhen Tang " art exhibition of chinese duplicate painting hall , as if trapped in the history of Chinese painting and calligraphy .