
  • 网络george iii;King George;King George III
  1. 米兰达的谱曲包括了Destiny’sChild风格的节奏布鲁斯,当代百老汇合唱叙事曲,趾高气昂的乔治三世演唱的《你们会回来的》(You’llBeBack)散发着六十年代Brit-pop气息。

    Miranda 's score includes Destiny 's Child-style R & B , choral ballads in a contemporary Broadway vein and , in the case of " You 'll Be Back , " " sung by a haughty King George III , chiming " 60s Britpop .

  2. 他27岁的儿子乔治三世,因为在一月大面积脑中风,被医生宣布脑死亡。

    His 27-year-old son , George III , had been declared brain dead after suffering a massive stroke in January .

  3. 男孩身穿黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。

    The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.

  4. 美国独立战争发生在英王乔治三世统治时期。

    The American Revolution took place during the reign of George III.

  5. 乔治三世统治达60年。

    George ⅲ ruled for 60 years .

  6. 在1775年,英国国王乔治三世宣称美洲殖民地处于公开叛变的混乱状态!

    In1775 , England 's King George the Third proclaimed the American colonies in a state of open rebellion .

  7. 《独立宣言》签署之时,美国由13个殖民地组成,归属于英王乔治三世。

    At the time of the signing the US consisted of13 colonies under the rule of England 's King George III.

  8. 决定描写乔治三世及其兄弟姐妹的历史,蒂利亚德无异于向自己下达了艰巨的任务。

    In deciding to tell the history of George and his siblings , MS Tillyard has set herself a difficult task .

  9. 1787年,乔治三世、夏洛特王后和威尔士亲王在公共水槽边狼吞虎咽。

    James Gillray . 1787 . George III , Queen Charlotte , and the Prince of Wales gorging at the public trough .

  10. 在维吉尼亚的詹姆斯城殖民地,乔治三世把土地给我们,所以……

    Chandler : The ... Jamestown colony of Virginia . You see , King George is giving us the land , so ...

  11. 博士宣称,凡是他认为对的事,凡是伟大高尚的乔治三世做的事,他都可以做。

    The Doctor declared that he would do what he thought right , and what the great and good George the Third did .

  12. 1801年,乔治三世和夏洛特王后的第六个子嗣奥古斯特王子获封该爵位。

    The title was created in 1801 upon the birth of Prince Augustus Frederick , the sixth son of King George III and Queen Charlotte .

  13. 首先介绍事件发生的直接原因,即乔治三世及布特政府的内外政策。

    Firstly , it describes the direct cause of the events , that is the domestic and foreign policies of George III and his Bute administration .

  14. 白金汉宫是在18世纪为白金汉公爵而建造的。但是,1775年乔治三世购买了该宫后它便变成了皇家住宅。

    Buckingham house was built for the Duke of Buckingham in the18th century . however , it became a royal residence in1775 when George III bought it .

  15. 如果他们对英王乔治三世投降,他们可能必须要生活在英国国教的主教或甚至是罗马天主教教皇(指在美国西部各州)的控制之下。

    If they gave in to George iii , they might have to live under the authority of Anglican bishops or even-in western portions of America-the pope .

  16. 对那些“不配留在这个岛上”(用乔治三世自己的话)的囚犯,他兴致勃勃地亲自寻觅再次安顿的新地点。

    George III took a personal interest in the hunt for new spots to resettle those ( in his words )" unworthy to remain in this island " .

  17. 特别是在佐治亚和卡罗来纳代表们的坚持下,删去了杰斐逊对英王乔治三世允许在殖民地保持奴隶制和奴隶买卖的有力谴责。

    Especially in Georgia and carolinas delegates insistence that eliminates the Jefferson king George iii of slavery in the colonies allows the slave trade and maintain strongly condemned .

  18. 作为首相,利物浦伯爵亲眼目睹了拿破仑发动的战争、乔治三世的死亡和工业动荡时代的开始。

    As prime minister , Liverpool presided over the end of the Napoleonic wars , the death of George III and the birth of the age of industrial unrest .

  19. 原来当时乔治三世驻美洲殖民地的军队是由威廉.豪统率,而这位英军将领在费城附近落入了一位洛林太太的温柔乡。

    Because William Howe , the British general in charge of George III 's forces in the colonies , had found warm comfort nearby Philadelphia with a certain Mrs Loring .

  20. 皇家财产管理公司可以追溯到1760年,当时乔治三世和政府达成协议,君王土地多余收入归财政部。

    The Crown Estate dates back to 1760 when George III reached an agreement with the government that surplus revenue from the crown 's lands would go to the Treasury .

  21. 1776年,无论是美国人宣布国家独立或英国人宣誓效忠英王乔治三世,人们的发音都大致相同。

    In 1776 , whether you were declaring America independent from the crown or swearing your loyalty to King George III , your pronunciation would have been much the same .

  22. 重叠角质鳞皮覆盖穿山甲身体部位,形成盔甲。曾经有人将一件不同寻常的以穿山甲鳞皮制成的盔甲礼物呈送给乔治三世。

    Pangolins are covered in overlapping keratin scales which act as body armour , indeed an unusual gift of a coat of armour made from Pangolin scales was once presented to King George III.

  23. 在19世纪晚期砷被广泛应用于药物与化妆品中,像仙尘一样在整个英格兰肆虐,乔治三世国王就被认为由于砷中毒而神志不清。

    He is thought to have begun to lose his marbles due to arsenic poisoning , since arsenic was spread around like fairy dust in everything back in the early 19th century from medicine to cosmetics .

  24. 1761年,乔治三世为夏洛特王后买下距离圣詹姆斯宫不远的白金汉府邸,一家人住在那里&这就是著名的女王府,即现在的白金汉宫。

    The King bought Buckingham House in 1761 for his wife Queen Charlotte to use as a family home close to St James 's Palace - it became known as the Queen 's House and is now Buckingham Palace .

  25. 众所周知,由于乔治三世国王的专制统治,《独立宣言》于1776年7月4日面世,其中对“人人平等”等人权的宣扬意义非凡。

    Ratified on July 4 , 1776 , the version we all know is basically one long dis of King George III , trash talking his fitness to rule . It also contains some epically moving passages on human rights , including the equality of all men . These passages were watered down for the final version .

  26. 他还开玩笑说乔治-华盛顿也许会名标青史,跟乔治三世不相上下。

    He added , in a jesting way , that perhaps George Washington might gain almost as great a name in history as George the third .

  27. 艾伦班内特(alanbennett)在他的《疯狂乔治大帝》(themadnessofkinggeorge)中,生生把乔治三世塑造成了一位身患遗传病的滑稽形象:尿液发紫,污言秽语。

    It is Alan Bennett , and his " the madness of King George " , who is to blame for the image of George III as a cartoon of inherited malady , all purple urine and verbal spasm .