
  • 网络Yueqing;yueqing city;leqing
  1. 乐清市人民机床电器厂,创办于1992年,是乐清市“重合同守信用”单位。

    Yueqing People Machine-Loot Electric Factory which was founded in1992 is a taking contract serioushy and keeping credit unit of Yueqing City .

  2. 乐清市宏跃电器有限公司位于中国电器之都-浙江温州市柳市镇。交通十分便捷。

    The Yueqing Hongyue Electrical Co. , ltd is Loated in Liushi Town , Wenzhou City , Zhejiang Province With Convenient Traffic , Which is Called The Chinese Electric Appliances Centrer .

  3. 乐清市广电数据网络升级方案

    The Scheme of Broadcasting and TV Data Net Upgrade in Yueqing

  4. 浙江省乐清市居民血硒水平研究

    Blood Selenium Contents for Residents in Yueqing , Zhejiang Province

  5. 乐清市酸雨成因分析与控制对策研究

    Study on Acid Rain Formation Reason and Control Measure of Yueqing City

  6. 乐清市基层公共决策模式转变研究

    Researches on Changes of the Mode of Base-Level Public Policy-Making in Yueqing City

  7. 乐清市银河花苑双向网改造设计与调试

    The Design of Transformation and Debugging for Two-way Network in Yinhe Garden of Yueqing City

  8. 东南沿海山地城市土地资源综合开发模式探讨&以温州乐清市为例

    Integrated Utilization Models of Land Resources of the Mountainous Type City in Southeast Coastal Areas

  9. 新公司位于“中国电器之都”-浙江省乐清市柳市镇。

    The new company is located in " China Electric Capital " - Liu town Yueqing City , Zhejiang Province .

  10. 最后,对乐清市的城中村改造提出相关的政策建议。

    Finally , this paper puts forward the correlation policy recommendations for the transformation of villages in our Yueqing city .

  11. 以乐清市欣欣种猪场沼气环保生态工程为实例,分析规模猪场沼气发电的效益。

    Methane electricity generation is an important measure for constructing the green environment protection engineering , with great potential for development .

  12. 主营代理,公司位于中国浙江乐清市浙江省乐清市柳市镇。

    Main agent , the company is located in Yueqing City , Zhejiang Province , China Liu Yueqing City in Zhejiang Province town .

  13. 经过比较和分析,本研究得出了四个结论:一、乐清市高中学生在英语写作策略使用中,语言手段策略使用频率最高,社会情感策略有待于培养和加强。

    Firstly , English language writing strategies are most frequently used by the high school students and Socio-emotional strategies need to be nurtured and strengthened .

  14. 区域土地利用结构优化数学模型&以浙江省乐清市为例

    Regional Optimizing Model of Land Utilizing Structure and the Elasticity Problems of Coastal Plantation Homeostasis & with Yueqing City in Chekiang Province as an Example

  15. 本文以流动人口对乐清市城市用地的影响为研究对象,了解现状流动人口的空间分布、结构特点;

    This text takes the influence which was made by the fluid population for example , understanding the space-distribution and structural characteristics of the present fluid population ;

  16. 采用新极谱法对浙江省乐清市健康居民、孕妇和疾病患者的全血样品进行硒含量的测定。

    Using the new polarographic analysis , determination of selenium contents in blood samples collected from healthy residents ? pregnant women and patients in Yueqing was conducted .

  17. 乐清市力环气阀制造厂是一家专业生产气动阀门球阀的厂家。致力于为广大用户提供品质优良、价格合理的阀门产品。

    LH Valve manufacturer , specialized in manufacturing gas-controlled ball-shaped valve , is committed to offering its customers and clients with the quality products at reasonable prices .

  18. 乐清市面粉公司为国有企业,创建于1986年,是面粉、大米、粮食复制品及油类加工销售企业。

    Yueqing Flour Corporation , founded in 1986 , is a state-owned enterprise , which processes and sells flours , rice , grain reproduction goods and oil products .

  19. 乐清市地处浙江南部,与温州市区隔江相望,是温州模式的发祥地。

    Located in southeastern Zhejiang Province , and facing the seashore of the downtown of Wenzhou , Yueqing City boasts of the cradle of the Wenzhou Mode of Economy Style .

  20. 乐清市水利局属市政府水行政管理机构,主要从事水利设施的建设、管理、规划、宣传等工作。

    Yueqing Water Conservancy Bureau is the water administrative department under the municipal government , which is mainly engaged in the construction , management , planning and propaganda work of water facilities .

  21. 公司总部设在乐清市虹桥镇龙坦村田洋路224号,近临104国道、距温州港20公里、温州机场80公里。

    Headquartered in Hongqiao Town , Yueqing City , Ocean Road , No.224 Murata Tanzania , near to104 national highway , 20 kilometers from Wenzhou port and Wenzhou airport , 80 km .

  22. 本公司为乐清市本地企业最大,最优秀,产品最全的高压电气生产商,欢迎全国各地电气采购商前来采购!

    Our company is the largest local enterprise yueqing city , the most outstanding , the product of the most high voltage electrical producers , welcome all over the country electrical buyers to purchase !

  23. 这样就找到了写作策略培养对策的重点是对上述三个策略的培养,继而提出了培养对策,希望能有助于乐清市高中学生写作水平的提高。

    Thus , the emphasis on the countermeasures is to train the use of three strategies , hoping that the countermeasures may improve the writing level of the students in Yueqing senior high schools .

  24. 乐清市高中二年级学生比高中一年级学生写作策略的使用频率呈下降趋势,其中差异比较大的是元认知策略和构思组织策略的使用。

    Secondly , a downward trend of writing strategy use has been seen by Senior 2 students than that by Senior 1 students , especially in the use of meta-cognitive strategies and organizational strategies .

  25. 文章在分析商住用地价格特征的基础上,以浙江省乐清市为例,探讨采用“商业用地基准价格与住宅用地基准价格相复合的方法”来评估商住综合用地的价格。

    The paper takes Leqing city as an example to put forward a new method , which is based on the basic prices of urban commercial land and basic prices of urban residential land .

  26. 雁荡山位于中国浙江省乐清市境内,部分位于永嘉县及温岭市。距杭州300公里,距温州70公里。

    Hill is located in Yueqing City in Zhejiang Province , China , is located in Yongjia County and parts of the city of Wenling.300 km away from Hangzhou , 70 kilometers from Wenzhou .

  27. 乐清市高中女学生写作策略使用的频率高于男学生写作策略使用的频率,尤其是元认知策略和认知策略的使用。

    Thirdly , the frequency of the use of writing strategies by female students is higher than that by male students in Yueqing high schools , in particular , the use of meta-cognitive strategies and cognitive strategies .

  28. 改革开放以来,乐清市民营经济获得了长足发展,综合实力居全国百强县(市)第35位。

    Since Yueqing 's adoption of reform and open-up policy , its private economy has taken full wing , and it lists the 35th among the top 100 counties including county-level cities in terms of comprehensive rural economic strength .

  29. 于2004~2006年间对浙江省乐清市林木蛀干害虫种类进行调查,结果显示该辖区共有47种蛀干害虫,隶属于8科41属。

    The forest tree trunk-boring insect pests on forest trees were investigated during 2004 ~ 2006 , a total of 47 species belonging to 1 order , 8 families and 41 genera were found in Yueqing City , Zhejiang Province .

  30. 乐清市作为全国新型农村合作医疗的首批试点地区,从实施的时间和范围上都走在了全国的前列,其经验和教训非常具有代表性和研究价值。

    Yueqing , as the new rural cooperative medical first pilot areas , from the time and scope of implementation are to leave in the national front row , their experience and the lesson is very typical and research value .