
yì ɡōnɡ
  • volunteer worker
  1. 即便是给慈善机构做义工也比什么都不做要好。

    Even unpaid work for charity is better than nothing

  2. 他们认为让一些违法者去社区做义工是个好主意。

    They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service

  3. 她在业余时间做义工。

    In her spare time she does voluntary work

  4. 他曾在当地的残疾人救助站当过义工。

    He 'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis .

  5. 参与者回应诸如"在医院做义工是我的重要组成部分"这样的陈述,借此表明这一社会角色的重要性

    Participants indicated the degree to which the social role mattered by responding to statements such as " Volunteering in Hospital is an important part of who I am . "

  6. 花点时间做义工,你会看到人们生活的巨大变化。

    Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in people 's lives .

  7. 我和我最好的朋友艾丽每周都会抽出几个小时为残疾人舞会做义工。

    My best friend Ally and I spare a few hours of our time every week as volunteers for Buddy Ball .

  8. 如果你正谋划如何过暑假,考虑下这个:越来越多的美国人不再花数周时间去晒日光浴或者去国外观光旅行,他们去孤儿院做义工,参与学校建设,教孩子们英语。

    As you plan -- or even go -- on your summer vacation , think about this : More and more Americans are no longer taking a few weeks off to suntan and sightsee abroad . Instead they 're working in orphanages1 , building schools and teaching2 English .

  9. 反对捕鲸的海洋守护协会(SeaShepherdConservationSociety)表示,该组织的义工准备冒着生命危险来保护在南冰洋的鲸鱼。

    He says volunteers with his anti-whaling Sea Shepherd organization are prepared to risk their lives protecting whales .

  10. 最近,派彼为英国广播公司BBC撰写了一篇文章,来分享她对间隔年义工的看法。

    Recently , Papi wrote a piece for the BBC sharing her view on gap year volunteering .

  11. 2010年在美国视频网站YouTube上疯传的一段视频很好地捕捉到了一些间隔年义工的心态。

    A video that went viral on YouTube in 2010 best captures the mindset of some gap year volunteers .

  12. 由社区义工参与的干预措施组合大大改善了印度适龄儿童的DPT疫苗接种。

    An intervention package involving community volunteers significantly improved age-appropriate DPT immunization in India .

  13. DAVEWEISS是一名退休工程师,每周他都会去华盛顿附近马里兰州银泉市的乔治亚森林小学做义工。

    Dave Weiss is a retired engineer . One day each week he volunteers at Georgian Forest Elementary School in Silver Spring , Maryland , near Washington .

  14. 2002年冬天,来自美国,当时在我大学所在的城市的一家孤儿院当义工的Ellen给我推荐了夏奇拉。

    In the winter of2002 , my friend Ellen from the states , who was working at an Orphanage in the city where my university is , introduced Shakira to me .

  15. Weiss说,他和其他义工为老师们提供实践经验。

    The scientists and engineers help teachers in elementary schools improve their skills . Mr. Weiss says he and the other volunteers help teachers by providing

  16. 我成为Metta的义工,因为我希望为像我一样活在痛苦中的人做点事。

    I became a volunteer for Metta because I wanted to reach out to those in pain like me .

  17. 巴菲特已故太太苏珊曾经在Glide当义工,该组织为旧金山田德隆区(Tenderloindistrict)的无家可归者和低收入者提供膳食、医疗检验等服务。

    Mr Buffett 's late wife Susan used to be a volunteer at Glide , which offers meals , medical testing and other services to homeless and low-income people in the San Francisco 's Tenderloin district .

  18. 通过几年的治疗,她克服了厌食,还为一个帮助女性解决外形问题的机构About-Face做义工。

    After years of therapy , she overcame anorexia and began volunteering for About-Face , an organization that tries to help women with their physical appearance problems .

  19. 我在救灾期间成为Metta的义工,帮忙在自己村里和到邻村分发物资。

    I became a volunteer for Metta during the relief period . I helped distribute supplies in our village and neighbouring villages .

  20. Thant不只做义工,后来更成为地区的全职项目统筹,在社区重建过程中担当领导角色和承担不少责任。

    Thant has moved on from being a volunteer to becoming a full-time coordinator of projects in his area , and this is enabling him to take leadership and responsibility to rebuild communities .

  21. 2012年10月的这次活动受到了员工的一致好评,今年秋天,该公司还会派出两支15人的团队,第二次参加由非盈利机构buildOn组织的义工活动。

    The October 2012 experience was so popular that this coming fall , the firm will send two teams of 15 on a second expedition organized by the nonprofit buildon .

  22. 没人告诉我有新义工。

    No one told me we were getting a new volunteer .

  23. 社区服务的义工做得很出色。

    The volunteer for community service is doing a good job .

  24. 做义工的经历会给潜在的雇主留下深刻印象。

    Experience in voluntary work will often impress a potential employer .

  25. 张锦煜在许多社区服务机构中担任义工服务社区。

    Jane has volunteered for many community services , such as St.

  26. 这里包括义工的管理及手拉手助养人的推广。

    This will include management of volunteers and increasing hand-in-hand sponsorships .

  27. 欣欣义工组成评选委员会,对应徵作品进行评奖。

    Shin Shin volunteers form committees to evaluate the entry essays .

  28. 做强制性的社区义工?甚至是短期监禁?

    Mandatory community service ? Perhaps even a short jail term ?

  29. 颁发证书及特别奖项予杰出义工。

    Certificates and special awards will be presented to outstanding volunteers .

  30. 肖明:义工之爱托起绿色社区梦想

    Xiao Ming , a volunteer holds the green dream by his love