
zhǔ zhōng
  • master clock;primary clock
主钟[zhǔ zhōng]
  1. So结果的水平差异主要是协调世界时主钟水平差异的反映;

    The level difference of these re-sults at SO is a main reflection of the level difference of UTC master clock .

  2. 凯博士表示,人体生物主钟在让新陈代谢、心血管和行为节奏功能与光及其它自然刺激同步的时候,也给我们的日常生活带来了点好处。

    When the body 's master clock can synchronize functioning of all its metabolic , cardiovascular and behavioral rhythms in response to light and other natural stimuli , it ' gives us an edge in daily life , ' Dr. Kay says .

  3. 无源电视同步已用于天文台和时辰站主钟之间的时刻比对。

    The passive TV synchronization has been applied for time comparison among the MC 's of astronomical observatory and timing station .

  4. 在中意卫星时钟同步试验期间国内诸台站主钟之间的比对结果

    The Comparison Results Among the Master Clocks of Several observatories During the Time Synchronization Experiment via Sirio & 1 Satellite Between China anb Italy