
  • 网络main business income;revenue;Prime operating revenue;sales revenue
  1. 通过对主营业务收入增长率和净资产收益率在IPO前两年到IPO后一年的4个期间内的描述性统计和显著性检验,证明了我国创业板市场IPO效应的存在性。

    By year after the two years before the IPO , the IPO on the main business revenue growth and return on net assets within a period of four descriptive statistics and test of significance , proved the existence of the GEM IPO effect .

  2. 移动电话用户数近五年每年都以几千万户的量级大幅增加。电信主营业务收入也不断攀升。

    The number of mobile phone users ' increase dramatically in the near five year , and the prime revenue of telecom company climb ever higher .

  3. 上市公司研究与发展(researchanddevelopment)经费占其主营业务收入的比例,及其投入增长速度应做为确定和评价科技类上市公司标准的一项重要指标。

    The proportion with outlay of research and development in listed company to its business income of main management as well as its increasing speed of input will act as a import target of standard about determination and evaluating a high-tech listed company .

  4. 上市公司的主营业务收入占我国GDP比重,1996以前不足10%,2003年末已经高达21.85%。

    The main business income of the listed company shares the GDP of our country specific weight , from not enough 10 % in 1996 , have been up to 21.85 % at 2003 year-ends .

  5. 结合中小型企业的转型期的实际情况探讨其未来发展方向,为解决目前TG集团公司连续三年主营业务收入停滞不前、机构臃肿、管理问题层出不穷等问题探讨解决办法。

    Combing the small and medium-sized enterprises , the actual situation of transition of future development is explored , the direction for the current TG Corporation for 3 years the main business income stagnation is found .

  6. 其主营业务收入的产品的销售,需要物流和售后服务的支持。

    It needs the support of logistics and after-sales service .

  7. 在统计意义上,主营业务收入增长并不一定是改善盈利能力的重要因素。

    In the statistical sense , sales growth was not an important factor in enhancing profitability .

  8. 主营业务收入、主营业务成本、应交税费、总资产是影响汽车制造业实际税负率的主要因素。

    Income , cost , tax and asset as four main factors have an effect on tax burden rate .

  9. 它反映企业销售商品和提供劳务所得到的现金与其主营业务收入的比值。

    It should reflect the sale of goods and services provided by the ratio of cash and its main business income .

  10. 研发投入与主营业务收入的相关性最强,其次是营业收入,他们属于显著的强相关。

    The correlation is the more strong between R & D investment and business income , they are a significant strong correlation .

  11. 按照目前的增长表现,无论是主营业务收入和净利润年复合年增长率呈现下降趋势。

    Judging from the performance of growth , whether it is the main business income or net profit CAGR CAGR have shown a downward trend .

  12. 同时,按产品或业务类别列示主营业务收入、主营业务成本及营业利润情况。

    Simultaneously , situation of income from main business , main business cost and operating profit shall be presented in accordance with products or business types .

  13. 财务状况:共69个指标,包括资产、负债、主营业务收入、利润、增值税、工业中间投入、现金流量等方面的指标。

    Finance : 69 indices , including asset , liability , revenue of major activities , profits , value-added-taxes , intermediate industrial input , cash flow , etc.

  14. 到了2009年,我国零部件及配件制造行业实现主营业务收入7104亿元,实现累计利润总额455亿元。

    To year 2009 , the whole components industry in China reached the sales revenue of 710.4 billion RMB , and the total profit of 45.5 billion RMB .

  15. 规模以上工业企业法人:是指全部国有工业企业法人和年主营业务收入500万元及以上的非国有工业企业法人。

    Industrial Enterprises above designated size : refer to all state-owned industrial corporations , and non-state-owned industrial enterprises with annual sales from principal activity of five million yuan or more .

  16. 公司面临着主营业务收入逐年递减、国际上大型技术服务公司的竞争、国内测试行业持续重组的严峻形势。

    The company faces that the main business income gradually declines , competes with large international technical services company . Domestic testing industry is continuing reorganization of the grim situation .

  17. 预计项目前期的改建费用需要300万人民币,第五年主营业务收入可达1700万人民币,投资收益率27.53%。

    Estimated project cost of the pre-converted , 300 million yuan , the fifth main business income of up to 17 million yuan , the investment rate of return 27.53 % .

  18. 主营业务收入从1997年成立之初的几千万元到2008年的几十亿元,创造了2000万撬动几十亿的神话。

    Revenue from principal operations was established in 1997 at the beginning of the tens of millions to several billion yuan in 2008 , creating 20 million leveraging billions of myth .

  19. 「向银行贷款」动机下的手段主要有虚构收入、利用关联交易、会计入账期间之控制及其它收入改列主营业务收入;

    The methods mainly adopted for obtaining bank credits are falsified income , making use of related party transaction , control timing of recording in accounts and other income being classified as sales revenues .

  20. 从上市公司所发布的财务报告中获取相关数据,采用改进的柯布-道格拉斯生产函数,对各项要素资本对企业主营业务收入贡献的份额进行了测算。

    Access to relevant data from the financial reports released by listed companies , improved Cobb-Douglas production function , the share of contributions to the various elements of the assets of the main business revenue estimates .

  21. 经分析得出,净资产收益率、净利润率、主营业务收入增长率和资产负债率这些指标对上市公司陷入财务危机具有较强的预警能力,并对这些预警指标作出合理的解释。

    Obtained by the analysis , ROE , net profit margin , the main business income growth and asset-liability ratio have strong early-warning for financial crisis of listed companies and these early-warning indicators are of a reasonable explanation .

  22. 研究表明,公司成长性、主营业务收入增长率、企业规模与融资效率之间显著正相关,资产负债率、非债务税盾与融资效率显著负相关。

    The research shows that the enterprises grows , the main business income growth rate and enterprise scale are positively correlated to financing efficiency , while the asset-liability ratio and non-debt tax shield are negatively correlated to financing efficiency .

  23. 这三个指标分别是:总资产收益率代表盈利能力,主营业务收入增长率代表上市公司的成长性和资产负债率代表偿债能力。

    These three indicators are : rate of return on behalf of the total assets of profitability , growth rate of main business income on behalf of listed companies and the growth rate of assets and liabilities on behalf of solvency .

  24. 企业创新投入对绩效影响分析表明,研发支出占主营业务收入比对企业绩效有显著的正向作用,而企业获取的专利数目对绩效无明显正向作用,表明中小企业没有充分利用自身获得的专利。

    When it comes to the influence of innovation investment on enterprise performance , the ratio of spending on R & D to main business income is positive , while the number of patents has no obvious effect , implying the insufficient use of patents .

  25. 分行业看,公用事业、信息两个行业的现金偿付能力非常好,是因为这两个行业的主营业务收入多为服务性的现金收入,而不是应收帐款,因此流动性当然好。

    Branch line of business looks , public utility , information the cash solvency of two industries is first-rate , because , be of these two industries advocate business Wu income is service cash income more , is not receivable , liquidity is accordingly good of course .

  26. 证券交易佣金自新中国股票交易市场成立以来一直是绝大部分证券公司主营业务收入的50%以上,可见证券交易佣金对证券公司的经济效益影响是巨大的。

    The income of security trade commission is above 50 % of most security companies ' main business income from the beginning of the establishment of the stock market . It is obvious that the security trade commission plays an important role in security companies ' earnings .

  27. 主要研究成果是:1、通过对我国主营业务收入排名前150名的上市公司董事成员资料进行分析,发现连锁董事关联关系在我国已经非常普遍,并且呈逐年增长的趋势。

    The main research results are : 1 . Through the analysis of the director member of Chinese top 150 listed companies in main business profit , we found that phenomenon of interlocking directorate was very popular and was on the rise year by year . 2 .

  28. 而非经常性损益为企业带来利润的可持续性远远低于企业日常主营业务的收入。

    The profit sustainability of non-recurring gains and losses is far below the daily main business income for the enterprise .