
  • 网络mainstream banks
  1. 接下来我开始考虑主流银行。

    The mainstream banks came next .

  2. 在市场暂时出现问题的情况下,结构性投资工具和管道会受到高评级主流银行的流动性工具的支持。

    In the case of a blip in the market , SIVs and conduits are supported by liquidity facilities from highly rated , mainstream banks .

  3. 至于说比特币进入主流银行体系?

    As for bitcoin in the mainstream banking system ?

  4. 这将消除主流银行业中的利益冲突,将交易冒险活动限制于这些专业机构。

    This would remove conflict of interest from mainstream banking and confine trading risk-taking to these specialists .

  5. 虽然主流银行业看起来对贫困人群漠不关心,但是并不代表银行业就应该只为富裕人群服务。

    But just because mainstream banking seems inhospitable to the poor does not mean it has to be .

  6. 同时,苹果和三星也在尝试通过与银联合作来打入这片市场。银联是中国的主流银行卡支付公司。

    At the same time , Apple and Samsung are trying to break into this sector with partnerships with UnionPay , China 's main bank card and payment firm .

  7. 此外,拥有高度发达的微调及风险定价能力的投资者的大量出现,已使风险从主流银行大规模转移到新参与者那里。

    Moreover , the arrival of a large pool of investors with a highly developed ability to fine-tune and price risk has enabled risk to be passed out of the hands of mainstream banks into a new pool of players , on a large scale .

  8. 与此同时,主要来自企业客户的主流投资银行业务收入则预计将下滑约40%。

    Meanwhile , mainstream investment banking revenues , mainly from corporate clients , are estimated to drop by about 40 per cent .

  9. 创新和竞争已成为当今世界金融发展的主流,银行业的全球竞争日益激烈,客户对商业银行服务的需求与日剧增。

    With the fiercer competition in the banking industry , innovation and competition has become the mainstream in financial development in the world today .

  10. 本文的创新在于,尝试将国际主流的银行效率研究方法应用于中国商业银行研究,并辅以定性分析,对中国银行业进行了深入、全面的考察。

    The highlights are : Combining qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , the author resort to international prevailing research method to investigate commercial banks in China .

  11. 在经济全球化发展的大背景下,开放和竞争已经成为世界金融发展的主流,银行业的全球竞争将日益激烈。

    Under the development of economic globalization , the opening and competition has become the mainstream of financial development in twenty-first century , and the competition between international banks tends to be fiercer .

  12. 文章结合中国国有控股商业银行的实践,通过与国际主流商业银行核心竞争力的对比分析,全面解剖国有控股商业银行在核心竞争力方面的差距,提出其实施核心竞争力战略的必要性和迫切性。

    Integrated with practice in state-owned holding commercial banks , based on comparison with the core competence of international leading commercial banks , this paper thoroughly analyzes the gap of state-owned commercial banks in aspect of core competence , and puts forward necessity and urgency of implementing core competence strategy .

  13. 与此同时,近年来上市成为我国银行发展的主流,上市银行已经成为银行业主体,上市银行信息披露监管引起社会各界广泛关注。

    Meanwhile , listing is the mainstream of the development of Chinese banks . Listed-banks has been the main body of the banking and has caused much concern among the whole society .

  14. 2006年年初,S银行作为系统内首批试点行之一,按照国际主流的商业银行经营管理模式,实施了以公司银行、个人银行、运营科技、风险管理四大条线为主体框架的机体制改革。

    At the beginning of 2006 , as one of the first trial banks in the system , S Bank carried out the mechanism reform focused on corporate banking , personal banking , operation technology and risk management by the operation and management mode of the mainstream international commercial banks .

  15. 这一章首先分析了金融集团的三种主流模式:全能银行模式、金融控股公司模式、银行母公司模式,分析了各种模式的组织结构。

    This part analyzes three kinds of the mode of the financial group : the universal banking model , the financial holding company model , bank parent model and institutional structure of different modes .

  16. 由于种种原因,银行并购目前在我国并没有形成主流趋势,但银行并购仍不失为解决国内银行诸多矛盾和加快发展的一条有效途径。

    The bank MA has not formed the major trend in our country at present because of various reasons , but the bank MA still can be regarded as an effective way which solves a great deal of contradictions in domestic bank and develops bank even faster .