
  • 网络medial rib
  1. GRECO中棱边检测方法及其绕射场计算的改进

    Improvements of Edges Detecting and Diffraction Field Computing in GRECO

  2. 热处理过程中棱状枝晶Mg2Si相的粒化可用吉布斯-汤姆逊定理解释。

    The spheroidization of roughly prismatic dendritic Mg_2Si phase during heat treatment can be explained by Gibbs-Thomson 's theorem .

  3. 电磁场数值分析中棱单元矢量插值函数的研究

    Study on the Edge Vector Shape Function for the Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields

  4. 怎样观察在菲涅耳双棱镜实验中由棱脊产生的衍射花样

    How to Observe Diffraction Pattern Produced by the Biprism Ridge

  5. 用于车身制造质量控制的测点中的棱点的研究

    Virtual Point of Intersection for Auto-body Manufacturing Quality Control

  6. 羊皮领束腰人造丝绗棉衬里中大衣棱纹针织棉纱宽紧束腰三角裤

    Mouton collar tunnel belt surcoat with quilted rayon lining elasticized waist briefs of rib knit cotton yarn

  7. 韧性剪切带中糜棱岩化片麻岩和面理化榴辉岩使岩石各向异性和反射强度明显增加。

    Anisotropy and reflective strength is enhanced by mylonitic gneiss and foliated eclogite in ductile shear zone .

  8. 半导体锗中60°棱位错的电子结构

    Electronic structure of 60 ° edge dislocation in semiconductor material Ge

  9. 在营养器官中,含棱晶的细胞主要分布在维管组织之中或外围。

    In the vegetative organs , prismatic crystals mainly distributed in vascular tissue .

  10. 在3组2棱同步转子中,2棱功能转子的混炼效果最好。

    The mixing effect of the 2 wings functional rotor was best in 3 pairs of the 2 wings rotor .

  11. 辽宁阜新地区晚太古宙花岗质岩石在中地壳糜棱岩化过程中的体积亏损和成分变异

    Variation of composition and volume loss during mid - crustal mylonitization of late Archean granitoid , Fuxin area , liaoning Province

  12. 该算法以多尺度小波变换来定位图像中的强棱边点,以局部区域的复杂性和非周期性约束最终检测广义特征点。

    The FPBS can be detected automatically by the use of multi-scale wavelet transform and a few additional restrictions that control the complexity and nonperiodicity of local regions .

  13. 通过模拟仿真弥补实验条件的不足,选择多组负倒棱角度的刀具进行建模仿真,研究切削过程中负倒棱角度对铣削过程刀具应力的影响。

    For compensation the lack of experimental conditions , in simulation , tools with the different negative chamfer are selected angle to study the impact of different negative chamfer angles on tool stress during milling process .

  14. 介绍了价值工程方法在焊管机组中的平头倒棱机供油系统改造中的实际运用。

    The actual application of value engineering method on the reform of oil feeding system of facing and chamfering machine among welded pipe mill is introduced .

  15. 与传统方法相比,该方法测量的结果中包含了多面棱体与其轴座的配合间隙的影响。

    Comparing with traditional method , the result of measurement in this method contains influence of cooperated clearance between the regular polyhedron and the axle stand .

  16. 结果表明,多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮节块在承受横向剪切载荷下,最大应力发生在胎体上,这与试验中节块断裂往往出现在胎体中孔的棱边上相一致。

    The result show that the maximum stress fields of the model is on the matrix which is agree with the experimental results that the fracture occur on the edge of the porous metal-bonded diamond wheel .