
zhōnɡ xiào
  • commander;lieutenant colonel
  • wing commander
中校 [zhōng xiào]
  • [commander;wing commander;lieutenant colonel] 军衔的一级,位于上校与少校之间

  1. 这位海军中校随意地朝他们挥挥手便扬帆而过。

    Giving them an airy wave of his hand , the Commander sailed past .

  2. 他是位从不冒险的海军中校。

    He was a commander who never took risks .

  3. 他是个退役中校,有点军人作风。

    He 's a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a bit of a martinet .

  4. 陆军少校的军阶在上尉与中校之间。

    An army major ranks between a captain and a colonel .

  5. 陆军中校比少校级别高。

    A lieutenant colonel ranks above a major .

  6. 科恩中校认为这是梅杰少校的中队里开始出现的一种不健康的倾向。为了防微杜渐,他果断地采取了行动。

    Colonel Korn acted decisively to arrest what seemed to him to be the beginning of an unwholesome trend in major tom 's squadron .

  7. 能成为一名父亲、丈夫、一位海军中校。

    A father , a husband , a navy commander .

  8. 本文通过BP神经网络建立了一个曲轴滚压校直专家系统,以解决曲轴滚压校直过程中校直力的求解。

    In the paper the expert system of crankshaft rolling and aligning was established to solve the alignment power .

  9. 他们在中校罗伯特·E·李的指挥下向军火库发起猛攻,布朗绝不会束手就擒,

    They storm the arsenal under the command of Colonel Robert E. Lee . Brown won 't go down without a fight .

  10. 我知道ryan中校去哪儿了。

    I know where Colonel ryan 's headed .

  11. 你觉得ryan中校是无辜的?

    You think Colonel ryan 's innocent ?

  12. 1929年11月29日,海军中校理查德E.伯德中校发电称他已经完成第一次飞越南极。

    On Nov. 29 , 1929 , Navy Lt. Cmdr. Richard E. Byrd radioed that he 'd made the first airplane flight over the South Pole .

  13. mann中校会与你碰面的。

    Colonel Mann will meet you on-site .

  14. sheppard中校,你那边情况如何?

    Colonel sheppard , how goes it on your end ?

  15. 周一,接受BBC采访时,中校PaulJames表示,英国军队在为圣金(Sangin)地区带来和平和稳定方面取得了进步。

    Speaking on the BBC Monday , British commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel Paul James said British forces did make towards bringing peace and stability to Sangin .

  16. 像海军中校Anthony“Buddy”Bianca这样的V-22飞行员们知道他们的飞机将要在火力不够的情况下奔赴战场。

    V-22 pilots like Marine Lieutenant Colonel Anthony " Buddy " Bianca know their aircraft is heading off to war with inadequate firepower .

  17. 两者相比,最显著的区别在于中继节点到目的节点(R-D)信道中校验位信息的传输方式不同。

    In comparison , the most significant difference is the transmission way of parity check information between relay and destination ( R-D ) channel .

  18. 新西兰皇家空军中校安迪•斯科特(AndyScott)周五表示,每次搜索区域改变或者移动后,搜寻失踪飞机的工作就要重新开始。

    ' Each time the search area changes or moves , it restarts the clock ' in the hunt for the missing plane , Royal New Zealand Air Force Wing Commander Andy Scott said Friday .

  19. 美国战略指挥部空军中校LesKodlick将军称:“我们认为这是第一次两在轨卫星相撞。”

    Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Les Kodlick of the US strategic command , said : " We believe it 's the first time that two satellites have collided in orbit . "

  20. 由于反卫星武器引发的担忧,正改变卫星设计、制造及发射方式,因此导致了pendleton中校所称的“革命性转变”。

    This has led to what Colonel Pendleton calls a " revolutionary transition " , as concern over anti-satellite weapons is changing the way satellites are designed , built and launched .

  21. 美国空军太空司令部主管tacsat-3的中校ryanpendleton说,卫星变得更有本事了,可就在这会,也越来越易受攻击。

    Even as satellites become more capable , however , they are also increasingly vulnerable to attack , says lieut-colonel Ryan Pendleton , who is in charge of tacsat-3 at the US Air Force Space Command .

  22. 在这份报告中,题为“灯不明”,美国空军中校告诉他如何看到一个物体发射“红太阳一样轻”移动通过树木的Rendlesham森林。

    In the report , entitled " Unexplained Lights ," a US Air Force lieutenant colonel told how he witnessed an object emitting a " red sun-like light " moving through the trees of Rendlesham forest .

  23. 中校,我们建议你自己多花些时间。

    Commander , we suggest you take some time for yourself .

  24. 道格拉斯.鲍威尔中校是美军驻冲绳的海军陆战队发言人。

    Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Powell is the Marine spokesman on Okinawa .

  25. 一个退役了的中校和这只小蓝鸟。

    A retired lieutenant colonel , and this baby blue jay .

  26. 缪西中校说这次行动只要未婚人员。

    Coionei mucci said he preferred unmarried men on this trip .

  27. 为首的巴斯蒂安。蒂尼中校被判处死刑。

    Theirleader , Colonel bastien-thiry , has been sentenced to death .

  28. 格雷弗斯少校已晋升为中校。

    Graves has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel .

  29. 拉帕姆少校,把你告诉我们的事告诉缪西中校。

    Major lapham , teii coionei mucci what you toid us .

  30. 皇家空军中校加西,这是刚从多佛来的消息。

    Wing Commander gutsy , this just came from near dover .