
zhōnɡ qī jì huà
  • Medium term plan;medium-range plan
  1. 中期计划和方案预算工作队

    Working Party on the Medium-term Plan and the Programme Budget

  2. 西部开发与疏勒河项目中期计划调整

    West China Development and Mid-Session Strategy Restructuring of the Shule River Project

  3. 完成德国年度预算,季度预测修正和中期计划。

    Implement the annual budget and forecast and mtp .

  4. 全系统提供妇女地位中期计划

    System-wide Medium Plan for the Advancement of Women

  5. 最多可保存10个中期计划。

    You can save up to10 interim plans .

  6. 当然,我们必须制定减少政府赤字的中期计划。

    There must of course be a medium-term plan for reducing the government deficit .

  7. 德国北部挪威云杉林可持续经营中期计划的实例分析

    A Case Study in Planning for Sustainable Forest Medium-Term Management of Norway Spruce from Northern Germany

  8. 在20世纪50年代中期计划经济基础上建立起来的城市街道管理体制,在市场化和城市化的进程中暴露出许多不适应。

    Based on 1950s ' planned economy , the Urban Subdistrict Offices Administrative System was built up .

  9. 中期计划仅保存两条信息,即当前任务开始日期和完成日期。

    An interim plan saves only two pieces of information , the current task start and finish dates .

  10. 可以将中期计划与比较基准计划或当前计划进行比较,以监视项目的进度或进度落后情况。

    You can compare an interim plan with the baseline plan or current plan to monitor project progress or slippage .

  11. 我们有必要为财政整顿制定可信的中期计划,但这些计划的执行要取决于经济情况。

    What is needed are credible medium-term plans for fiscal consolidation , but ones whose implementation depends on economic conditions .

  12. 他必须给市场拿出一套可信的中期计划,以防事态发展导致自己无力实现上述目标。

    He has to give markets a credible medium term plan , in case events push the targets beyond his reach .

  13. 确保销售完成预测/月度营运快报/预算/中期计划等信息数据及时准确地提供。

    To provide timely and accurate information / data for Sales Completion Forecast , monthly Rush Reporting , Budget and MRP process .

  14. 在炫耀过现金以后,奥巴马和国会可以着手研究削减赤字的中期计划了。

    Now they have splurged the cash , Mr Obama and Congress could move on to a medium-term plan to reduce the deficit .

  15. 在本研究中,以德国北部一片包括21个小班的挪威云杉林班的一个中期计划为例,说明多林分发展这一经营系统在实际生产中的应用。

    In the present study , an example of Norway spruce compartment in Northern Germany including 21 stands is used to illustrate the approach .

  16. 但是,日本政府财政支出的一半以上是靠借款支撑的,因此它有必要制定中期计划,增强日本财政的可持续性。

    But the government , more than half of whose spending is financed by borrowing , needs a medium-term plan to put the country on a fiscally more sustainable footing .

  17. “中期计划越可靠,与短期影响,如飓风(艾琳)可能带来的影响等,共存的灵活性就越大”利普斯基表示。

    " The more credible medium term planning , the more flexibility that will exist with temporary impacts , such as potential impact of the hurricane ( Irene )," said Lipsky .

  18. 为了防止美国债收益继续大幅增长,盖特纳届时应详细向中方说明,奥巴马在中期计划中如何削减开支并增加税收。

    To forestall any additional surge in Treasury yields , Mr Geithner should elaborate on how the Obama administration intends to cut spending and raise tax revenue in the medium term .

  19. 关于哪些产品可以恢复的问题,重建美国金融市场的可信性和可预期性,需要规划合理的金融监督改革,同时需要启动一个可靠的中期计划,以控制预算赤字,限制美国政府债务的增长。

    On the question of what can be restored , re-establishing the credibility and predictability of US financial markets requires well-designed reform of financial supervision and a credible medium-term programme to rein in the budget deficit and limit the growth of US government debt .

  20. 美国需要哪些举措是显而易见的:短期刺激,结合当经济再次步入正轨后收紧预算的中期计划。唉,目前华盛顿的境况比债务危机期间强不到哪儿去。

    It is easy to see what is needed : A short-term stimulus combined with a medium-term plan to tighten the budget when the economy gets going again . Alas , Washington is in no better shape than it was during the debt crisis .

  21. 联合政府花了5个月的时间才达成并公布了一项中期经济计划。

    It took five months for the coalition to agree on and publish a medium-term economic programme .

  22. 的确,这种方式显然存在:一个均衡的中期调整计划。

    Indeed , there evidently is : a balanced medium-term adjustment programme .

  23. 在战争中期你计划了这次营救。

    You mounted this entire rescue operation in the middle of a war .

  24. 这肯定需要恢复财政可持续性,从而需要可信的中期财政计划。

    This surely requires a return to fiscal sustainability , which demands credible medium-term fiscal plans .

  25. 我们对照中期战略性计划中所载明的目标详细筹划了这些项目。

    We have mapped these items against the objectives set out in the Medium-term Strategic Plan .

  26. CIMMYT1998~2000年中期工作计划给四川小麦超高产育种的启示

    Illumination From CIMMYT 's Medium-termed ( 1998-2000 ) Plan For Exceeding High Yield Wheat Breeding in Sichuan

  27. 大家已经看到2008和2009年规划预算方案和中期战略性计划草案。

    You have before you the proposed programme budget for2008 and2009 and the draft medium-term strategic plan .

  28. 此外长、中期调度计划均可完成滚动计算,直到下一月或下一年。

    In addition , the long and medium term schedules can be extended to next year or month and made by rolling computation .

  29. 尤文图斯董事会已经对新球场计划进行了分析,并通过了俱乐部这个中期发展计划。

    The Juventus board of directors has analysed the project for the new stadium and has agreed to the club 's mid-term development plan .

  30. 除了中期战略性计划草案和规划预算方案外,摆在本届执委会面前的项目只涉及特定的一些世卫组织活动。

    Apart from the draft medium-term strategic plan and the proposed programme budget , the items before this Board cover only a selection of WHO activities .