
  • 网络midtrimester induction of labor;induction of labor in second trimester;induction of labour in second trimester;induction of labor in midpregnancy
  1. 硫酸普拉酮钠用于中期引产前软化宫颈效果观察

    Clinical observation on malacosis neck of uterus by Sodium Prasterone Sulfate before midtrimester induction of labor

  2. 中期引产应用安定307例临床观察

    Clinical Observations on 307 Cases of Midtrimester induction of Labor With Diazepam

  3. 米索前列醇阴道给药与催产素浓缩液和PGE2阴道给药对妊娠中期引产作用的比较

    Vaginal misoprostol versus concentrated oxytocin and vaginal PGE2 for second-trimester labor induction

  4. 孕16~20周血浆CRH测定不能作为早产高危孕妇早产的预测指标中期引产妇女引产前后外周血CRH、CORT、SP水平变化及其与分娩发动的关系

    Plasma CRH measurement at 16 to 20 weeks ' gestation does not predict preterm delivery in women at high - risk for preterm delivery Concentrations in Maternal Plasm and Action of CRH , CORT SP before and after Introduced Abortion

  5. 方法:利用定点突变将TCS第219位的天冬酰胺残基改变为半胱氨酸残基(Q219C)以供定点聚乙二醇(PEG)修饰,测定修饰产物的致核糖体失活活性及小鼠中期引产活性。

    Methods : Glutamine residue in 219 of trichosanthin was mutated into cysteine residue ( Q219C ) by site-directed mutagenesis . The mutein was then modified by polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) . Ribosome-inactivating activity and abortifacient activity of the modified products were determined .

  6. 米非司酮配伍米索前列醇中期引产的临床观察。

    Clinical treatment with mifepristone cooperating with Misoprotol end mid-term pregnancy .

  7. 米非司酮联合依沙吖啶用于终止瘢痕子宫中期引产临床观察

    Clinical observation of Mifepristone-Ethacridine in ending intermediate induced labor of scarred uterus

  8. 米非司酮与利凡诺联合应用于中期引产的临床观察

    Effect of combined use of mifepristone and rivanol on mid-term induced labor

  9. 结论:卡前列7甲酯栓用于对依沙吖啶中期引产失败后效果满意。

    CONCLUSION : Carboprost methylate suppository in inducing labor is satisfactory after ethacridine failure .

  10. 健康教育在中期引产中的应用

    Application of Health Education in Midtrimester Pregnancy

  11. 天花粉与利凡诺尔中期引产时血和羊水中的激素变化

    Hormone Profile in Plasma and Amniotic Fluid during Mid-Trimester Abortion Induced by Trichosanthin and by Rivanol

  12. 米非司酮和依沙吖啶联合用于中期引产效果观察

    Observations of the Effects of the Combined Usage of Mifepristone and Ethacridine Lactate on Metaphase Induced Labor

  13. 米非司酮加米索前列醇不同给药方法用于中期引产效果观察

    Different effects caused by different applying methods of mifepristone tablets and misoprostol tablets to stop pregnancy halfway

  14. 不同方法治疗中期引产后乳汁分泌的疗效分析

    The Effect of Different Treatment Ways on Suppression of Lactation after Induced Abortion in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy

  15. 对中期引产妇女开展系统的健康教育,调动了个体的主观能动性,提高了引产妇女的生活质量。

    Conclusion Health education in induction of labor can arose positivity of women with induction of labor and improve their life quality .

  16. Pur-α在米非司酮中期引产胎儿肝、肾、脑组织的表达

    The effects of mifepristone on the fetal liver , kindey , and brain through the analysis of the expression of Pur - α

  17. 有13.5%的产妇有1~2次药物流产史;有1.5%有过中期引产史。

    Furthermore , 13.5 % women of total had 1 ~ 2 times of drug abortion history and 1.5 % had experienced a mid-term induction of labor .

  18. 采用米非司酮配伍米索前列醇(简称米索)中期引产107例并与利凡诺引产111例、水囊引产63例进行对比分析。

    Mifepristone combined misoprostol ( MM ) were adopted in induced labor in 107 cases of second pregnancy trimester These cases were analysed and compared with 111 cases of rivanol induced labor and 63 cases of water bag induced labor in the same pregnancy stage .

  19. 自1986年到1988年肌注天花粉蛋白1.2mg用于高危中期妊娠引产共591例。成功率为96.8%。

    Induction of labour in 591 women during second trimester pregnancy with high risk by crystal trichosanthin 1.2 mg im was carried out from 1986 to 1988 . The success rate was 96.8 % .

  20. 四种中期妊娠引产方法的比较及其对母体的影响

    Comparison of 4 Methods of Midterm Termination and Their Maternal Influences

  21. 剖宫产史子宫中期妊娠引产56例分析

    Analysis of induced abortion of incomplete pregnancy in 56 cesarean section cases

  22. 瑞芬太尼静脉自控镇痛在中期妊娠引产术中的应用

    Application of remifentanil in patient-controlled intravenous analgesia during midtrimester induction of labor

  23. 依托咪酯用于中期妊娠引产时清宫、钳刮术麻醉效果的观察

    Clinical Observation on Anesthetic Effect of Etomidate during Curettage and Evacuation of Uterus

  24. 目的观察米索前列醇联合利凡诺尔用于中期孕引产的临床效果。

    Objective To observe the clinical efficiency of misoprostol and ethacridine in pregnancy .

  25. 米非司酮辅助利凡诺中期妊娠引产临床观察

    Clinical observation of mifepristone combined with rivanol in induction of labor in mid-pregnancy

  26. 毛细管电泳-微透析技术原位、活体、实时药物测定及药代动力学研究体液中药物测定方法的研究Ⅰ.中期妊娠引产药利凡诺的荧光分光光度法

    The Application of Microdialysis Combination of Capillary Method in Drug Analysis and Pharmacokinetics Study

  27. 米索前列醇加利凡诺羊膜腔注射对中期妊娠引产的临床应用

    Clinical application of amniotic cavity injection of misoprofil plus rivanol in metaphase induced labor

  28. 米非司酮与米索前列腺醇联合水囊法在中期妊娠引产中的临床效果分析

    The Clinical Effect Analysis of Misoprostol , Mifepristone Combined with Water Bag in Mid-trimester Pregnancy

  29. 小剂量米非司酮配伍依沙吖啶用于中期妊娠引产

    Clinical observation of low-dosage mifepristone in combination with rivanol on induction of labor in mid-pregnancy

  30. 目的探讨不同孕龄瘢痕子宫(均为子宫下段剖宫产术后)中期妊娠引产的治疗方法。

    ObjectiveTo study the ways for pregnancy termination of second trimester in a scarred uterus .