
  1. 期间运用相关的培训理论,结合对ZQ集团二次创业的发展战略分解,提出与战略要求相配合的中层管理人员培训体系优化方案,从而填补ZQ集团培训体系中针对中层管理人员培训的空白。

    During the use of training theory , combined with the second pioneering the development of ZQ Group strategy decomposition proposed cooperating with the strategic requirements of middle management training system optimization program , so as to fill the blank ZQ Group training system for the training of middle managers .

  2. 企业中层管理人员培训评估体系研究

    Research of training effect evaluation system for the corporate middle manager

  3. 企业中层管理人员培训的思考

    Thinking on Training of Management of Medium Level in Enterprise

  4. 以此为基础编制了企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素的调查问卷,以验证相关影响因素。

    Based on it , prepare the training transformation factors questionnaire of corporate middle managers to verify the relevant factors .

  5. 于是笔者希望能通过对一些在国际上中层管理人员培训的操作方面较为成功的高星级饭店的相关工作的介绍与分析,为系统的构建提供一个现实的平台。

    , the introduce of the successful practice of some international hotels are regarded as the basis of the system .

  6. 以分析企业中层管理人员培训的现状为突破口,阐述了中层管理人员培训需求分析的思路和方法。

    Taking it as a breakthrough to analyze training status of medium level management in enterprise , illustrated analysis ideas and methods for its demand .

  7. 并且提出了中层管理人员培训体系重建方案和步骤的实施,包括良好培训文化的建设、培训战略的形成、五大培训子系统的完善建立以及实施的主要步骤。

    Also made a reconstruction plan and steps of implementation of middle management training system , contains good training cultural construction , training strategy formation , five training subsystem improved establishment and procedures implementation .

  8. 第三章主要分析国内酒店中层管理人员培训的问题。

    Analyse the problem of training for the domestic hotel middle-level managers . Chapter ⅳ is the emphasis of this dissertation , that is construction of training system for hotel middle-level managers ' core competencies .

  9. 通过对问卷所得数据的分析,验证了文章中提出假设,之后进行了个人统计变量对企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素的差异性分析。

    Tested the hypotheses made in the paper , through the analysis of data collected from the questionnaire . In the end , calculated the variance analysis of personal statistical variables on corporate middle managers training transformation factors .

  10. 在文章的最后,本文根据影响企业中层管理人员培训转化的相关因素,提出了提升企业中层培训转化途径,以期对将来对企业培训工作有一定的帮助。

    At the end of the dissertation , according to factors which was verified , the dissertation proposes the way which could enhancing the training transformation for middle-level manager , and it will be helpful for enterprise training in the future .

  11. 以本人在该饭店实习期间所收集到的信息为基础,对该饭店的中层管理人员培训工作进行介绍和分析,特别着重于流程与特色的研究。

    Next , in the second chapter , based on the information gathered during the training in the Qingdao Shangri-la Hotel , the training system of the middle manager of the hotel is introduced , including some specified measures and procedures .

  12. 生成初始问卷后,通过专家咨询对题项表述进行修改,在小范围测试后,删除了偏离原设定变量的题项,最终得到共包含2个部分的企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素问卷。

    After generating the initial questionnaires , the author modified the items expression through consulting expert . Delete the variables items which deviated from the original setting in the small-scale tests , in the end , gain the questionnaire of Corporate Middle Managers Training Transformation Factors which contains two parts .

  13. 医院中层管理人员的培训需求分析

    An Analysis of Training Needs of Middle Level Managers Within Hospital

  14. 在此基础上对培训内容进行整体设计,指出针对此类培训应采用的培训方式和评估方法。以期对企业中层管理人员的培训起到一些启发和借鉴作用。

    On this basis , designed training content , put forward method of training and evaluation .

  15. 建立和完善企业内部管理制度,加强对中层管理人员的培训教育和引导。

    Establish and improve the internal management system , strengthen the training and education of middle managers and guide .

  16. 本文首先在引言中对高星级饭店中层管理人员的培训系统的相关概念做出了界定,并对当前这一问题的理论研究动态进行了总结。

    The paper defines the training system in the first chapter , and make a summary of the concerning theories .

  17. 因而,如何解决大中型零售企业的中层管理人员的培训体系的问题成为了重大的具有现实意义的研究课题。

    Thus , the issue how to address the middle management training system in a large retail business becomes a relevance major research project .