
  1. 利用中尺度天气数值模式(MM5),采用甚高分辨率的模式设计,模拟了华南丘陵岛屿地区(海陵岛)的风能分布。

    Mesoscale weather numerical model , MM5 , is used to simulate the distribution of wind energy on Hailing Island .

  2. 本文通过耦合CFD(计算流体力学)模式和中尺度天气模式,模拟了甘肃省榆中县城区的大气流动和污染物扩散。

    The airflow and dispersion of a pollutant in a complex urban area of Yuzhong , Gansu , China , were numerically examined by coupling a Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) model with a mesoscale weather model .

  3. 并在此基础上,从动力、热力和水汽输送三个方面提出了基于LAPS的上海中尺度天气分析辅助方案。

    A mesoscale weather analysis support program by LAPS for Shanghai is proposed from three aspects of dynamics , thermodynamics and moisture condition with the help of all discusses above .

  4. 结果表明:WRF模式能较好地模拟出这次降水的区域,对这种中尺度天气系统具有良好的预报能力。

    The results show that the WRF has a strong simulating ability for precipitation as well as has a good capacity to predict the mesoscale weather systems .

  5. 采用Barnes带通滤波方法分离出中尺度天气系统表明,500hPa上的中尺度低压扰动系统和700hPa上的中尺度低涡是产生这次暴雨天气过程的直接的天气系统。

    The analysis of mesoscale system shows that disturbing mesoscale low pressure system at 500 hPa and mesoscale vortex at 700 hPa are directly influential systems which caused the heavy rain process .

  6. 用滤波方法得到产生强风暴的中尺度天气系统。

    The mesoscale systems generating severe storms are separated through filtering .

  7. 一次中尺度天气过程中湍流特征分析

    Analyses of Turbulent Characteristics during the Process of a Mesoscale System

  8. 卫星资料对中尺度天气客观分析的个例试验

    The case experiment on objective analysis of meso-scale weather with satellite data

  9. 长江中游一次暴雨中尺度天气系统的观测分析

    Meso-Scale Analysis of a Heavy Rainfall over the Middle Valleys of Changjiang River

  10. 东北冷涡中尺度天气的背景分析

    The background analysis study of meso scale weather of the cold vortex in Northeast China

  11. 多普勒天气雷达资料分析及同化在暴雨中尺度天气系统数值模拟中的应用研究

    Application Research of Doppler Weather Radar Data Analysis and Assimilation in Mesoscale Synoptic System Numerical Simulation

  12. 物理过程的试验表明,凝结潜热释放在中尺度天气系统的形成过程中起了决定性作用。

    Sensitive tests show that latent heat release acts a decisive role in the formation of the meso-scale systems .

  13. 这次暴雨过程中尺度天气系统的发生、发展、加强及衰减均在模拟结果中有所显现。

    The genesis , development , intensification and decay of the mesoscale synoptic system during the process were also fairly simulated .

  14. 1991年6月12-16日江淮特大暴雨中尺度天气过程分析

    A case analysis of mesoscale system during heavy rainfall period in Yangtze and Huaihe River Basin on June 12-16 , 1991

  15. 利用多种加密观测资料,详细分析了长江中游一次暴雨中尺度天气系统的观测特征。

    With intensive detecting data , the observational characteristics of meso scale weather system triggering heavy rainfall over the middle valleys of Changjiang River is analyzed .

  16. 因此,计算不平衡场和不均匀场及散度变化可以为暴雨等中尺度天气现象的短时预报提供线索。

    The low & level imbalance field ( U ) and nonhomogeneous field ( A ) that are calculated using mesoscale data coincide with the region of heavy rainfall .

  17. 本文论述大尺度环流的调整,及中低纬天气系统,中尺度天气系统和雨团对暴雨的贡献。

    In this paper , the regulation of large scale circulation and the contribution of mid-and low-latitude synoptic systems , meso-scale weather systems and rain groups to the heavy rainfall are discussed .

  18. 对2001年4月8日宁夏出现的一次强沙尘暴过程进行了天气背景及中尺度天气学分析。根据不同地区出现大风的时间差异,讨论了地形对冷锋和沙尘暴运动的影响;

    The circulation and meso-scale synoptic analysis was conducted on a severe sandstorm event on April 8, 2001.The topographic effect on the cold front and the features of sandstorm movement are discussed .

  19. 目前,16端口的信令寻径式高速光纤传输交换机已初步调试成功,性能稳定,运行状况良好,可应用于航电和中尺度天气预报等高速网络通信系统中。

    Up to now , this high-speed Fibre Channel switch with 16 ports based on Token-Routing technology has been implemented successfully and performs well . This promising switch can be applied to some high-speed communication systems such as the avionics system and middle-scale weather forecasting system .

  20. 模拟结果表明,模拟降水的落区和量级效果较好,通过对造成此次暴雨天气的中尺度天气系统西南涡的分析,模拟结果是西南涡的强度和中心与实况分析都是一致的。

    The simulation results show that the rainfall area and quantity are simulated quite well . It shows that the simulation density and center of southwest vortex are nearly the same as the weather analysis , according to analysis the mesoscale weather system generates the heavy rainfall .

  21. 中尺度数值天气预报为评估严重的天气灾害提供了有效的指导,因此中尺度天气预报占有越来越重要的地位。MM5模式是世界上应用最为广泛的中尺度模式。

    Mesoscale numerical weather prediction model is an efficient way to provide guidance to evaluate the severe weather threat , so mesoscale mode among various kinds of meteorological modes is getting more and more important position .

  22. 本论文的研究得到国家863计划引导项目中尺度数值天气预报大规模并行计算高性能网络开发(2003AA001018)的资助。

    This thesis is supported by National 863 project " Development of parallel computing high performance network for middle range numerical meteorological prediction " ( 2003AA001018 ) .

  23. 为了充分利用卫星图像逐像点的信息来构造更加精细的中尺度数值天气预报初始场,设计了静止卫星(GMS5)图像逐像点的云分析方法,并进行了初步试验。

    Because of the requirement for high resolution initial field of mesoscale or small scale numeric weather prediction model , we designed the cloud analysis scheme based on single satellite image pixel .

  24. 基于网格的中尺度数值天气预报系统设计与实现

    The grid-computing implementation of a mesoscale numerical weather forecast system

  25. 一次突发性中尺度暴雪天气过程分析

    A case study on an abrupt mesoscale heavy snow process in Dandong region

  26. 中尺度灾害天气夏季讲习班成功举办

    Summer School on Mesoscale Disastrous Weather Held Successfully

  27. 有限差分格点模式是目前广泛采用的中尺度数值天气预报模式之一。

    The finite-difference model is one of the most accepted medium-range weather forecasting models .

  28. 中尺度数值天气预报的初步试验

    Preliminary Test of Medium-scale Numerical Weather Forecast

  29. 对2004年12月丹东地区一次突发性中尺度暴雪天气过程的成因进行了分析。

    The causes of an abrupt mesoscale heavy snow process in Dandong region on Dec.6th , 2004 were analyzed in this paper .

  30. 中尺度与天气尺度运动之间相互作用所产生的动能交换是中尺度系统发展的一个非常重要的动能来源,在中尺度系统的维持中也有重要作用。

    The energy exchange produced by the interaction between meso and synoptic scale movement is a very important kinetic energy source for the meso-scale systems development and plays an important role in the maintenance of meso-scale systems .