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  • 网络central government spending
  1. 大幅度增加全国教育支出,其中中央财政支出1981亿元,比上年增长23.6%。

    We increased education spending nationwide significantly , including central government spending of 198.1 billion yuan , an increase of 23.6 % .

  2. 中央财政支出对GDP有着显著的负影响,地方财政支出对GDP有着显著的正影响;

    The central expenditure has remarkable negative effect on GDP , the local expenditure has remarkable positive one on GDP ;

  3. 第三,优化国债资金的使用方向.改进财政管理制度.强化财政监督体制.提升中央财政支出效益。

    Third . optimize the direction of the use of national debt . improve the financial management system . strengthen financial supervision system .

  4. 基于得到的数据,结合给定的政策框架对新农保政策推进中参保人数、覆盖率以及中央财政支出等重要参数进行仿真。

    Based on the data , combining the policy framework that was given , the article simulates the number of insured 、 percentage of policy cover and the Central Financial payments .

  5. 依据理论分析得到我国财政支出改革的建议,即要提高地方财政支出比例,减少中央财政支出比例;

    Get the suggestions of the reform of government finance expenditure of our country according to theory analysis , which should namely improve the proportion of the local expenditure , reduce the one of the central expenditure ;

  6. 占中央财政支出很大比重的中央专项补助,从项目的设置、申请的审批到资金的拨付管理以及有关方面的监督检查,均存在诸多缺陷和问题。

    The special subsidy from the central government has many defects and problems ranging from the establishment of projects , the examination and approval of its application , the allocation and management of the fund , to the supervision and auditing thereof .

  7. 其次,对粮食安全成本所包含的内容、所宜运用的评价指标体系进行论述,并从中央财政支出角度对改革开放以来的中国粮食安全成本进行了定量分析。

    Secondly , the content , evaluating guideline system of the Food Security cost were discussed , and the quantitative analysis of the Food Security Cost at the view point of center finance expend from reform and opening of China was given .

  8. 中央财政医疗卫生支出1277亿元,比上年增长49.5%。

    The central government spent 127.7 billion yuan on medical and health care , an increase of 49.5 % .

  9. 本文以中央财政农村公共支出为主要研究对象,从农村公共支出促进农村经济发展和推进社会主义新农村建设的角度进行研究。

    It studies from point of view how the rural public expenditure can promote rural economic development and the construction of socialist new rural areas .

  10. 促进提高高等教育质量,全面启动“211工程”三期建设,中央财政高等教育支出432.43亿元。

    A total of43.243 billion yuan was spent to raise the quality of higher education and begin full-scale development of the third phase of the211 Project for Higher Education .

  11. 加大财政投入,中央财政三农累计支出4.47万亿元,年均增长23.5%。

    We increased central government spending on agriculture , rural areas and farmers , which totaled 4.47 trillion yuan for the past five years and rose by an average annual rate of 23.5 % .

  12. 中央财政生产性支出对经济增长的推动力量远高于地方财政生产性支出,(3)国家财政的非生产性支出规模过大,不利于经济增长。

    Second , the impelling action of central government fiscal productive expenditure is larger than local productive expenditure . Third , the scale of nonproductive fiscal expenditure is too large , which is no good to economic growth .

  13. 分税制改革以后,财政体制发生转变,中央和地方财政支出的结构发生了很大的变化,在经济增长中的作用也随之发生了改变,地方财政支出对地方经济增长的影响日趋重要。

    After the reform of the tax-sharing system , fiscal system changed , the Central and Local fiscal expenditure structure have taken great changes , the effect on economic growth has changed too , local finance expenditure play a more and more important role in their economy development .

  14. 中国应建立通过中央预算引导大规模财政支出的机制。

    China should put in place mechanisms to steer large amounts of fiscal spending through the central budget .

  15. 中央财政用于三农的支出7253亿元,增长21.8%。

    The central government used 725.3 billion yuan to support agriculture , rural areas , and farmers , an increase of 21.8 % .

  16. 作为中央与地方政府财政支出管理的重要分支之一,政府采购行为在国民经济活动中起着重要的作用。

    As an important branch of central and local government fiscal expenditure management , government procurement practices play an important role in the national economy active .

  17. 中央财政环境保护预算支出是环境保护投资的重要来源之一,公共财政对环境保护作用巨大。

    Central fiscal expenditure on environmental protection is one of the important investment sources in environmental protection ( EP ) and public finance plays a tremendous role in environmental protection .

  18. 加快实施国家科技重大专项,中央财政用于科技的支出1512亿元,增长30%。

    We accelerated the implementation of major national science and technology projects , and spent 151.2 billion yuan of central government funds on science and technology , an increase of 30 % .

  19. 医疗转移支付的法制化主要包括明确中央政府的医疗财政支出义务,合理划分政府间财权与事权,科学制定转移支付标准,规范转移支付的程序并建立相应的监督机制。

    Legalization of the medical transfer payments system , including clear budget expenditure obligation of the central government , rational division of financial authority and powers between the government , the scientific development of transfer payment standards , standardize the transfer payment program , and establish the appropriate oversight mechanisms .