
  • 网络chinese food;china food
  1. 中国食品药品监督管理局(thechinesefoodanddrugadministration)表示,传统中药占总体药品市场的36%。

    The Chinese food and drug administration says it represents 36 per cent of the total medicines market .

  2. Ok!假如我请你吃鲜美的中国食品,并且我来付账。

    Ok ! Suppose I invite you to eat the delicious Chinese food , then I pay the bill .

  3. 中国食品中B(a)P污染和控制

    B ( a ) p contamination in food and its control in China

  4. WTO与中国食品企业发展战略

    WTO and chinese foodstuff enterprises development strategy

  5. WTO体制下中国食品安全法律体系的构建

    Construction of the Law System of Food Safety in China under the System of WTO

  6. 四种传统中国食品中SOD样活性物质的研究

    Study on Substances with SOD-like Activity in Four Traditional Chinese Foods

  7. 为解决这一问题,该公司开发出了Pacific饼干条,有芝麻和枣泥等口味,这两种食品一般都被认为是健康、传统的中国食品。

    To address that concern , the company developed a cracker line , Pacific , with flavors such as sesame and red date are typically associated with health and traditional Chinese medicine .

  8. 研究表明,开展食品LCA可以为提高食品环境性能提供有效的数据支持,对中国食品工业实现可持续发展具有重要意义。

    The study shows that developing food LCA can provide basic data support for improving the environmental performance of food products , and can be of benefit to food industry sustainable development in China .

  9. 为评价麒麟菜(Eucheuma)膳食纤维的食用安全性,按照中国食品安全性毒理学评价方法对SD大鼠进行了30d喂养和传统致畸实验。

    In order to assess the food safety of dietary fibre ( DF ) from Eucheuma , a 30 d feeding experiment and a teratogenicity analysis were conducted in accordance with the methods of China for toxicological assessment on food safety .

  10. 新时期中国食品工业的变化与特点

    Changes and characteristics of Chinese food industry in the new era

  11. 中国食品安全技术法规体系问题研究

    A Study of Technical Regulations of China 's Food Safety System

  12. 他家人人酷爱中国食品。

    Everyone in his family had a craze for Chinese food .

  13. 未来10年中国食品机械业10大重点

    Ten of China food machinery industry in the coming 10 years

  14. 2002年中国食品工业发展年终盘点

    Analysis of development situation of the Chinese food industry in 2002

  15. 入世后中国食品检验的措施与对策

    Measures and policies of the food inspection after China enters WTO

  16. 食品添加剂的生产将全面实行生产许可证管理&国家质检总局食品添加剂市场准入和监管工作研讨会在沈阳召开由审查部和中国食品添加剂协会共同牵头制定相关细则和标准

    Workshop on Food Additive Market Admission and Supervision held in Beijing

  17. 中国食品卫生监管问题与对策

    The Study of Food Hygiene Supervision Problems and Solutions in China

  18. 与世界接轨-2005年中国食品标准发展计划

    Connecting with the world - The food standard developing plan in 2005

  19. 中国食品安全科技发展方向讨论

    Study on the Priority of Food Safety Science and Technology in China

  20. 中国食品添加剂的发展现状及使用中存在的问题

    Development of food additives in China and problems related to their use

  21. 中国食品工业结构调整和农业产业化

    Structure adjustment of food Industry and agricultural industrialization in China

  22. 中国食品工业发展及新技术的应用

    The development of food Industry in China new technique application

  23. 中国食品质量安全的现状与对策

    Current situation and countermeasures of food quality safety in China

  24. 提醒中国食品出口商:别惹美国宠物。

    Memo to Chinese food exporters : dont mess withamericaspets .

  25. 外国游客喜欢各种各样的中国食品。

    The foreign visitors like all kinds of Chinese food .

  26. 为什么不带点有代表性的中国食品呢?

    Why don 't you bring some typical Chinese food ?

  27. 中国食品卫生监督管理的现状与面临的挑战

    The status and challenge of food health supervision in China

  28. 中国食品工业外商直接投资溢出效应实证研究

    Empirical Analysis on Spillover Effects of FDI in China 's Food Industry

  29. 入世后的中国食品卫生工作

    Food hygiene work of China after accession to WTO

  30. 打造中国食品业的航空母舰&记中粮集团董事长周明臣

    Make the aircraft carrier of the Chinese food industry