
  • 网络cbrc;china banking regulatory commission;China Bank Regulatory Commission
  1. 中国银监会副主任段继宁(duanjining)表示,外资银行有助于制造竞争压力,进一步推动国内银行的改革。

    Duan Jining , a deputy director-general at the CBRC , said that the foreign banks can help create competitive pressure to drive further reform of domestic banks .

  2. 本指引所称银行业监管机构,是指中国银监会及其派出机构。

    The term " banking regulatory authority " as mentioned in these Guidelines refers to the CBRC and its dispatched offices .

  3. 中国银监会主席尚福林近期在《中国金融》杂志上发表的文章上表示,我国将推进金融市场退出机制的常态化和,规范化,建立适合我国国情的法律体系。

    China will promote normalization1 and standardization2 of the financial market exit mechanism3 and the upcoming legal system will be in line with China 's conditions , Shang Fulin , chairman of the China Banking4 Regulatory Commission , said in a recent article to the fortnightly China Finance .

  4. 此外,中国银监会(CBRC)上周五颁布限制使用公司间贷款的规则草案。

    Separately on Friday , the banking regulator issued draft rules that would limit the use of intercompany loans .

  5. 在三年前的金融危机期间,中国银监会(CBRC)拒绝允许该行向美国花旗集团(Citigroup)提供救援融资。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission declined to allow the lender to extend rescue finance to Citigroup , the US bank , during the financial crisis three years ago .

  6. 与此同时,中国银监会(CBRC)已开始担心中小企业缺乏信贷的风险。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission , moreover , has begun to fret about the risks of a shortage of credit to small and medium-sized enterprises .

  7. 随着银行向经济大量喷射信贷,这位中国银监会(cbrc)主席在日益焦虑的状态下度过了一年。

    As banks hosed the economy with credit , the chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission spent the year in a state of increasing agitation .

  8. 然而,近4个月过去了,这项交易尚未完成,还在等候中国银监会(CBRC)的正式批准。

    Yet nearly four months on , the deal has not been consummated as it awaits official clearance from the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) .

  9. 中国银监会(cbrc)不允许外国集团在中国的信托公司里持有多数股权,不过,许多外国集团都在努力以间接方式控制与中方之间的合资公司。

    Foreign groups are not permitted by the China Banking Regulatory Commission to have majority stakes in trust companies , though many try to control their joint ventures indirectly .

  10. 中国银监会(CBRC)培训中心主任罗平上周访问纽约时抱怨道:我们恨你们。

    We hate you guys , Luo Ping , a director-general at the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ), complained last week on a visit to New York .

  11. 中国银监会(cbrc)表示,预计将有逾10家银行在当地注册,这些银行的资产占在华外资银行资产总额的一半以上。

    According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission , more than 10 banks accounting for over half the assets held by overseas lenders in China are expected to incorporate locally .

  12. 本月法新社(afp)报道称,中国银监会上海监管局局长阎庆民在最近一次会议上批评外资银行忽视本地业务风险。

    The AFP news agency this month reported that Yan Qingmin , head of the Shanghai Branch of the China Banking Regulatory Commission , had criticised foreign banks at a recent meeting for ignoring risk in their local operations .

  13. 上周,中国银监会(CBRC)警告,理财业务已经暴露出银行业的问题和薄弱环节,并加强了相关限制措施,发布了包含80条内容的监管办法。

    Last week , the China Banking Regulatory Commission warned that the business had exposed problems and weaknesses in the banking sector and stepped up its crackdown with an 80-point directive .

  14. 中国银监会(cbrc)银行监管一部负责人汤小青(tangxiaoqing)表示,大型上市银行在减少坏账和提高资本充足率方面“做得不错”。

    Tang Xiaoqing , a director - General at the China Banking Regulatory Commission , says that the large listed banks have done " a good job " in cutting bad loans and lifting their capital adequacy ratios .

  15. 周五,中国银监会(CBRC)发布通知称,今年以来,少数银行利用上述手段吸收存款。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a notice on Friday saying that a minority of banks had resorted to such tactics since the start of this year to attract bank deposits from clients .

  16. 中国银监会(cbrc)首席顾问沈联涛(andrewsheng)对美国银行业和监管者提出了严厉批评,他表示:“如果我们的老师比我们强不到哪里去,那么我们确实不得不为我们自己考虑。”

    Andrew Sheng , chief adviser to the China Banking Regulatory Commission , strongly criticised US banks and regulators , saying : " when our teachers are no better than us , we really have to think for ourselves . "

  17. 中国银监会(cbrc)警告称,如果国有大型银行达不到资本充足率要求,它将拒绝批准业务扩张,并限制银行运作。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission , the banking regulator , has warned it will refuse approvals for business expansion and limit banking operations if the large state lenders do not meet the capital adequacy requirements .

  18. 据中国银监会(cbrc)副主席王兆星介绍,中国各银行现在发放的所有贷款中,有大约20%流向房地产业,包括个人抵押贷款和面向开发商的贷款。

    About 20 per cent of all loans extended by Chinese banks now go to the property sector , including individual mortgages and loans to developers , according to Wang Zhaoxing , vice-chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission .

  19. 但中国银监会(CBRC)表示,预计2007年全年销售总量将达1万亿元人民币,原因是有更多的理财产品面世,同时客户将资金从生息的定期存款中转出。

    But the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) said it expected that figure had jumped to Rmb1000bn by the end of the year as more products became available and customers shifted money out of interest-bearing time deposits .

  20. 在中共十七大中央金融系统代表团讨论会上,中国银监会(CBRC)副主席蒋定之不经意间宣布了中信银行的收购意图。

    Jiang Dingzhi , vice-chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission , casually announced Citic 's intentions during a presentation on the government 's achievements to the country 's top financial officials at the 17th Communist Party Congress in Beijing .

  21. 由中国银监会(CBRC)以及工业和信息化部起草的另一项法规,将要求到2019年各银行70%以上的信息技术设备安全可控。

    A separate set of regulations , drafted by the China Banking Regulatory Commission and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , will require more than 70 per cent of banks ' information technology equipment to be secure and controllable by 2019 .

  22. 关于立场转变的问题,中国银监会(CBRC)没有正式表过态,但官方媒体近日来报道了一系列相关调整措施,分析师们也察觉到银监会的关注点有所转变。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) has not formally announced a change in its stance , but official media have reported a series of tweaks in recent days and analysts say they have detected a shift in its focus .

  23. 中国银监会(cbrc)已要求各银行在今年年底前,将资产充足率提高至8%,致使境况不佳的金融机构纷纷争夺能同时带来现金和现代管理方法的投资者。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission has ordered banks to increase their capital adequacy ratios to 8 per cent by the end of this year , setting off a scramble among ailing financial institutions for investors who can introduce both cash and modern management techniques .

  24. 中国银监会(cbrc)的一名高级官员表示,银监会已要求银行(尤其是中小型银行)在今年年底前将资本充足率从法定要求的8%提高到10%。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission has told banks , particularly small and medium-sized lenders , to raise their capital adequacy ratios from the official requirement of 8 per cent to 10 per cent by the end of the year , a senior CBRC official said .

  25. 此外,中国银监会(CBRC)正在制定一项规定,将要求在商业银行与其控股股东之间、以及商业银行与其非银行业分支机构之间建立防火墙,以防止风险蔓延。

    On top of that , the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) is developing a regulation that would require firewalls to be established between commercial banks and their controlling shareholders and between commercial banks and their non-banking subsidiaries , in order to prevent risk contagion .

  26. 中国银监会似乎也产生了新的看法。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission also appeared to have second thoughts .

  27. 亚行支持中国银监会强化统计系统

    Strengthening the Statistical System of PRC 's Regulatory Commission

  28. 引狼入室以狼为师&中国银监会北京银监局局长赖小民论中资商业银行引进境外战略投资者我国海外投资的战略选择

    Strategic Choice of China 's Overseas Investment

  29. 中国银监会发布了关于商业银行个人理财产品的详细规则。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission has released detailed rules for individual wealth management businesses commercial banks .

  30. 2007年2月,中国银监会发布了修订后的《金融租赁公司管理办法》。

    In February 2007 , China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a revised " Financial Leasing Company Management Rules " .