
  1. 中国经济史学会2002年年会现代组讨论综述

    A Summary of the Chinese Economic History Society Modern Era Group 's 2002 Meeting

  2. 中国经济思想史学会第九届年会综述

    A Summarization of the Ninth Fall Due Annual Meeting of Association of the History Chinese Economic Thought

  3. 本文介绍了中国经济思想史学会第十届年会的中心议题以及与会代表围绕中心议题进行的学术讨论,此外还就与会代表提交的一些重要论文及学术观点进行了概括性和综合性的介绍。

    The paper introduces the main topics and the academic discussion of the Tenth Fall Due Annual Meeting of Association of the History of Chinese Economic Thought , and it also makes some summarizing and comprehensive introduction to some of the major these presented by representatives and academic viewpoints .

  4. 董志凯,现任中国社会科学院经济研究所研究员、博士生导师、中国经济史学会会长,是我国知名经济史研究专家。

    Dong , Zhikai , a well-known expert on Chinese economic history , is currently a research fellow and supervisor of doctorate student at Institute of Economics , Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .