
  • 网络China Telecom Corporation Limited;china telecom co
  1. 中国电信股份有限公司自转型以来,IT服务外包业务作为其切入点,利用其自身的优势也很快的发展起来。

    China Telecom Corporation Limited has been since the transformation of IT service outsourcing as its point of entry , the development of using its own advantages is also very fast .

  2. 中国电信股份有限公司是我国信息通信行业中规模最大的公司之一,近年来网络发展迅速,取得了巨大成绩,综合通信能力明显增强。

    China Telecom Corporation Limited is one of the largest communication companies in China , the network has developed rapidly in recent years made great achievements in integrated communications is obviously enhanced .

  3. 未来中国电信股份有限公司(ChinaTelecomCorp.)也可能加入这一行列。中国联通沃商店副总经理沈洲上周早些时候对《华尔街日报》“中国实时报”栏目说,双方将于5月17日推出融合计费SDK样品。

    The two will launch a prototype of the plugin on May 17th , China Unicom Deputy General Manager Shen Zhou told China Real Time earlier this week .

  4. 如今,或许是时候对其中一家公司另眼相看了,那就是中国电信股份有限公司。

    Now it might be time to look again at one of them , China Telecom Ltd.

  5. 2月25日中国电信与中国银联股份有限公司签署新系统网络通信电路租用协议。

    25 february , China Telecom and China UnionPay co. , Ltd formally signed the new system network communications lines lease agreement .

  6. 知情人士去年9月份表示,阿里巴巴正在与中国第三大移动运营商中国电信股份有限公司(ChinaTelecomCo.,简称:中国电信)进行谈判,希望能在中国电信出售的智能手机中预装来往软件。

    In September , a person familiar with the situation said Alibaba was in talks with China Telecom Corp. , to have the app preinstalled in smartphones sold by the country 's third-largest mobile carrier .