
  1. 但较少有学者详尽论证金融运作对中国汽车业进入WTO的积极作用。

    Of Chinese automobile industry .

  2. 安德森最近出版了一本有关中国汽车业的新书。麦肯锡公司(McKinsey&Co.)合伙人柯明逸(AxelKrieger)说,全球汽车制造商应该将中国有关部门日益加大的审查力度视作北京就自己的愿望发出的一个信号。

    McKinsey & Co. partner Axel Krieger said global auto makers should take the increased scrutiny by authorities as a sign of Beijing 's wishes . '

  3. 其二,中国汽车业由于其明显的技术溢出效应,对其实施战略性RD补贴将有力促进整个第二产业的发展,提高国民福利。

    Second , the implementation of the strategic RD subsidy policy on China 's automobile industry will effectively accelerate the development of the whole secondary industry , and in turn , stimulate the national welfare .

  4. 其次,采用平稳性检验、协整分析以及VAR模型等进行实证分析,结果表明中国汽车业与金融业在发展过程中逐步呈现出互动的态势,但它们互动发展的现状并不理想。

    Second , we carry out the stationarity test , cointegration analysis and VAR analysis . Results show that Chinas auto industry and financial industry in the development process present interactive situation gradually , but that is not perfect .

  5. 以18亿美元买下沃尔沃(Volvo)汽车品牌三年后,中国汽车业先驱李书福押下重注,他要通过主打中国市场的方式让这个瑞典汽车生产商恢复生机。

    Three years after he bought the Volvo car brand for $ 1.8 billion , Chinese auto pioneer Li Shufu is doubling down on his bet that he can revive the storied Swedish auto maker by turning its focus to China .

  6. 中国汽车业面临的形势十分严峻,发展前景也不容乐观。

    China 's automobile industry is confronted with grim developing situation .

  7. 中国汽车业:构筑共同成长的战略平台

    China Auto Industry : Building the Strategic Platform for Joint Development

  8. 中国汽车业:大红灯笼高高挂?

    China auto industry : big red lantern is hanging highly ?

  9. 戴姆勒早已与中国汽车业建立了紧密的联系。

    Daimler already has close ties with the Chinese car industry .

  10. 中国汽车业五级发展水平探讨

    Discussion on Five-Tier Development Level of China 's Auto Industry

  11. 中国汽车业全年走势预测

    Boom Year Forecasted for China 's Automotive Industry in 2002

  12. 中国汽车业的历史似乎表明不能。

    The history of the Chinese auto industry suggests not .

  13. 中国汽车业的发展不可能独立于世界市场之外。

    China 's auto industry will not be dependent with world auto industry .

  14. 这一基本事实将在未来许多年内推动中国汽车业发展。

    That fundamental fact will drive the industry for many years to come .

  15. 中国汽车业:新的高度新的起点

    China Auto Industry : New Altitude , New Start

  16. 悲欢离合中国汽车业

    China 's auto Industry in 2004 , In Retrospect

  17. 石油工业对中国汽车业发展的影响

    How the Petroleum Industry Influences Chinese Car Industry

  18. 中国汽车业的赶超之路&专访中国汽车业资深专家陈光祖

    The Over Passing Way of Chinese Automobile Industry

  19. 谈中国汽车业的发展道路

    ON the Development of Chinese Automobile Industry

  20. 中国汽车业保护的政治经济分析

    Political Economy of Chinese Auto - protection

  21. 电动汽车:中国汽车业的一次机会

    Electric Automobile : A chance for

  22. 半个世纪以来,中国汽车业经历了从无到有、从小到大和正在从大到强的变化。

    For half a century , China 's automobile industry has been established , grown larger and stronger .

  23. 经过十年的飞速增长,中国汽车业可能要稍事喘息。

    After a decade of astonishing growth , the Chinese car industry may be about to take a breather .

  24. 比亚迪是充电电池技术领域的全球领先者,是中国汽车业一颗冉冉升起的新星。

    BYD is a global leader in rechargeable battery technology and a rising star of the Chinese auto industry .

  25. 罗伯逊表示,并且更长远来看,中国汽车业也将成为更国际化供应的一部分。

    And over the longer term the China car industry will become part of a more global supply as well .

  26. 比亚迪在充电电池技术方面位居全球领先地位,但在中国汽车业却是个新面孔。

    BYD is a global leader in rechargeable battery technology , but only a recent entrant to the Chinese car industry .

  27. 改革开放后,中国汽车业得到了快速发展,实力明显增强,技术水平不断提高,并已建成比较完整的汽车生产体系。

    After its reform and opening up , China has witnessed rapid rise and obvious development and ever-improving technology in automobile industry .

  28. 分析师们视其为中方的试水之举,不久将是中国汽车业在中、东欧建立规模更大的业务。

    Analysts see this as a test project likely to lead before long to a more substantial Chinese automotive presence in CEE .

  29. 分析师们表示,对占本土市场份额不到30%的中国汽车业来说,这可能是一个关键时刻。

    Analysts say it could be a critical moment for the Chinese industry , which has less than 30 per cent of the local market .

  30. 分析人士表示,此次交易是中国汽车业最大一宗海外并购案,同时也是这个中国本土汽车品牌最富雄心壮志的一次举措。

    The deal is China ` s biggest overseas auto purchase and represents the most ambitious move by a homegrown auto brand , said analysts .