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  1. 中国斗鸡高分子质量DNA的高效制备

    An Efficient Preparation of High Molecular Weight DNA from Chinese Cockfight

  2. 中国斗鸡mtDNA遗传多样性及起源研究

    Analysis on the Genetic Diversity and the Origin of mtDNA in Chinese Game Chicken

  3. 40条斗鸡序列与GeneBank上红色原鸡相应序列比较,并构建基于单倍型的系统发生树,结果表明中国斗鸡的母系可能来源于多个红原鸡亚种。

    The 40 sequences compared to that of red jungle issued in GeneBank and phylogenetic trees for the chickens constructed based on the haplotypes . The result indicated that the Chinese game chicken may originated from several subspecies of red jungle .