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  • 网络a brief history of chinese fiction
  1. 真实的缠绕先锋历史小说历史观的内在矛盾论进化与反复鲁迅《中国小说史略》与进化史观

    The Tangle of Truth & the Self-contradictory in Avant-garde Historical Novels ; Evolution and Retrogression : A Brief History of Chinese Fiction and the Historical View of the Theory of Evolution

  2. 《中国小说史略》是鲁迅研究中国古典小说的一份代表性成果。

    A Brief History of Chinese Fiction is one of the representative accomplishments of LU Xun 's research of Chinese classic fiction .

  3. 鲁迅给我们留下了两部文学史著作:《中国小说史略》和《汉文学史纲要》。

    Lu Xun left two works of the literature history " Chinese novel outline history " and " Chinese literature history " .

  4. 《中国小说史略》在学术界产生重大而深远的影响,成为中国小说史研究的经典范本。

    Outline History of Chinese Novels has made profound and lasting influences in academe and is considered as a model for Chinese novels history .

  5. 于无声处听惊雷&从《中国小说史略》看鲁迅的研究方法

    Chinese and Listen to the Silent Thunder & From A Brief History of Chinese Fiction , to Study the Research Methods of Lu Xun

  6. 胡应麟小说史研究深刻影响了鲁迅的《中国小说史略》,在中国小说研究史上应该有其相应的位置。

    Hu Yinglin 's research deeply influenced Lu Xun 's A Brief Chinese Fiction History , and deserves a position in Chinese fiction researching history .

  7. 进化与反复&鲁迅《中国小说史略》与进化史观周原现代地貌考察和历史景观复原

    Evolution and Retrogression : A Brief History of Chinese Fiction and the Historical View of the Theory of Evolution Investigate Modern Landforms of Zhou Yuan and Restore Historical Landscape

  8. 从人类中心主义到非人类中心主义:一个文化进化的观点进化与反复&鲁迅《中国小说史略》与进化史观

    From Anthropocentrism to Non-anthropocentrism : A Perspective of Cultural Evolution ; Evolution and Retrogression : A Brief History of Chinese Fiction and the Historical View of the Theory of Evolution

  9. 中国小说史自鲁迅《中国小说史略》之后走上了自己的道路。

    The stylistic approach to the study of history of fiction ;

  10. 试论鲁迅研究中国小说史的实证精神&以《中国小说史略》为例

    On the Positivism of Lu Xun in Studying the History of Chinese Fiction & Take " A Brief History of Chinese Fiction " as an example

  11. 对鲁迅中国小说史学的批判性研究&以鲁迅的《中国小说史略》为中心鲁迅是有他的论点,他的历史眼光的。

    Critical Study on LU Xun s Achievements of the History of Chinese Fictions ; Lu Xun has his thesis , his historical perspective .