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tān pài
  • apportion;quotas;charges and "denotions";exaction
摊派 [tān pài]
  • [apportion;exaction] 按比例分配;由众人或各方面分担

摊派[tān pài]
  1. 第六条坚决制止各级、各部门向民营企业乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款。

    Article 6.Forbidden collecting fees , apportion and fine illegally from private enterprises .

  2. 行政收费渠道(包括摊派、提高基础设施产品和服务的价格等);

    Administrative charge trench , which consists of apportion , raising the price of urban infrastructure products and services , and so on ;

  3. 对国际金融交易征税的做法,为类似的发展资助摊派提供了一个良好基础。欧盟理事会(CouncilofEurope)最近曾讨论过这点。

    A tax on international financial transactions , recently discussed by the Council of Europe , offers a sound base for analogous assessments for development financing .

  4. 要有控制数字,摊派下去。

    There should be control figures and an allotment of quotas .

  5. 不合理收费、集资和摊派

    To impose charges and quotas and collect money without authorization

  6. 对于发展和气候资助,我们也需要明确的摊派方案。

    We need clear formulas as well for development and climate financing .

  7. 简言之,我们需要一个摊派方案。

    We need , in short , an assessment formula .

  8. 摊派费用数字日后发布;

    Apportioned costs will be circulated at a later date ;

  9. 他没有给我摊派什么任务。

    He hasn 't reinstated me to active duty .

  10. 墨西哥、挪威和瑞士都已根据这些原则,提出了以排放为基础的摊派方案。

    Mexico , Norway and Switzerland have proposed emissions-based assessments along these lines .

  11. 摊派而不强迫,不是命令主义。

    Allotment without compulsion & this is not commandism .

  12. 宋朝接待海外诸国朝贡使团的费用来源有三:拨款、自筹和摊派。

    There were three sources of reception costs : funding , self-financing and apportionments .

  13. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款

    Arbitrary charges , fund-raising quotas and fines

  14. 按比例摊派的空气污染物排放费

    Prorated emission charge on air pollutants

  15. 农民和农业生产经营组织有权拒绝任何方式的摊派。

    And peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse apportionment in any form .

  16. 各国应根据其温室气体排放、依据“污染者付费”的原则得到摊派。

    Countries should be assessed according to their greenhouse gas emissions , on the " polluter pays " principle .

  17. 利润分配,风险亏损,成本和责任将按双方投资比例摊派。

    That all profit , losses , costs and liabilities will be prorated according to the share-holding of each party .

  18. 权利的摊派和秩序的维护被交付给两位老士兵,老朋友&格涅乌斯庞培马古纳斯和加伊乌斯朱利叶斯凯撒。

    Power is shared and order maintained by two soldiers , old friends , Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and Gaius Julius Caesar .

  19. 摊派过程不仅要透明、合乎比例、且辅之以恰当的激励,还要在管理上可控。

    Not only would this be transparent , proportionate and aligned with proper incentives , but it would also be administratively manageable .

  20. 各地区和有关部门加大了对乱罚款、乱收费、乱集资和各种摊派的查处力度。

    Every region and related ministries increased the investigation and penalty for irrational fines , fees , fund raising and illegal contribution .

  21. 预算由大会按专门比例表作为专项摊派,这一比例表参照了经常预算的分摊比例。

    These are assessed separately by the General Assembly , according to a special scale based on that used for the regular budget .

  22. 此设备摊派制动对所有四个车轮行动,以防止锁定,并确保在所有情况下对汽车的完全控制。

    This device apportions braking action over all four wheels to prevent locking and ensure full control of the car under all conditions .

  23. 任何机关或者单位不得以任何方式向农民或者农业生产经营组织进行摊派。

    No apportionment shall be made by any state organs or units to peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations in any form .

  24. 募捐行为禁止摊派,不得以慈善捐助为名从事营利活动。

    No apportionment is allowed for donations , and it is prohibited to carry out profitable activities in the name of charitable donation .

  25. 从2001年7月1日起,对25个发达国家按照其经常预算分摊比例来摊派维和经费。

    Effective 1 July 2001 , a group of 25 developed countries are assessed at the same rate as under the regular budget scale .

  26. 而水利建设中的经费问题,则主要以按户等摊派、鼓励富户出资与政府低息或无息贷款等方式来解决。

    And the fund was raised by apportioning according to family rank , encouraging rich family to donate , and interest-free or interest-low loans from government .

  27. 向企业和个人集资建设公路,必须根据需要与可能,坚持自愿原则,不得强行摊派,并符合国务院的有关规定。

    Incomes from transfer of rights for collection of toll from highways according to the provisions of this law should be used for construction of highways .

  28. 当然,随着时间的推移,当今的低收入国家也将逐渐不再需要这种资金转移。因此,这一摊派体系将在几十年后逐渐退出。

    Of course , today 's low-income countries will also graduate from the need for transfers over time , so that this assessment system will phase out in a few decades .

  29. 最近,由于公司一个领导的离开,我已经担任起一些团队的管理工作,包括整理优先顺序和摊派工作等。

    Recently , as the result of a manager leaving the firm , I have also taken on some of the managerial responsibilities for the group including prioritizing and delegating assignments .

  30. 该项收入则包括丹麦金、犁头税、免服兵役税、摊派税、动产税等。此外,作者还考察了中世纪英国的财税管理体制。

    The general revenue include Danegeld , carucage , scutage , tallage , movables tax etc. In addition , the author also inspected financial and tax administrative system in the medieval Britain .