
  1. 中国古典文学名著中生存哲学的解读尝试

    The Explain Trying about the Existing Philosophy in Chinese Classical Literture Masterpiece

  2. 中国古典文学名著的香港电视剧改编研究

    A Study on the Adaptation of Classical Chinese Literature into HongKong Teleplays

  3. 让孩子们在愉快的阅读中感受中国古典文学名著的艺术价值。

    Children would be affected by the artistic value of the Chinese classics during cheerful reading .

  4. 中国古典文学名著选评

    Reviews of Selected Chinese Classics

  5. 第一章概述了中国古典文学名著在高中语文教学中三个方面的意义。

    The first chapter outlines three aspects of Chinese Classical Literature in language teaching in high school meaning .

  6. 他以翻译中国古典文学名著为主,也做一些英译汉的工作,为中外文化交流孜孜不倦地翻译了大量中国古典文学名著。

    His main work focuses on translating classical Chinese literature into English , which contributes enormously to cultural exchange .

  7. 《红楼梦》是中国古典文学名著,也是中国封建社会极为丰富的百科全书。

    A Dream of Red Mansions is a Chinese classical literary masterpiece and also an encyclopaedia about Chinese feudal society .

  8. 《水浒传》作为优秀的中国古典文学名著之一,包含着大量的能反映中华民族深层文化底蕴的汉语文化负载词和短语。

    Shui Hu Zhuan , as one of the excellent Chinese classical literary works , contains a lot of cultural-loaded words and expressions which embrace abundant cultural profundity of Chinese nation .

  9. 本文试图用人文精神的新视角考察中国古典文学名著《聊斋志异》,并运用文化学、神话学及阐释学的方法重新分析这部作品,力图从中找到一些有益于现代人格重建的人文精神新元素。

    From a new humanistic perspective , this thesis attempts to analyze the Liao Zhai Zhi Yi , the Chinese classical work , to find some humanistic factors that are beneficial for the reconstruction of modern personalities and characters .

  10. 第二章是对中国古典文学名著中学教学现状及问题原因的分析,包括高中生古典文学名著阅读现状、高中生古典文学名著教学现状、造成各种情况的原因分析三部分。

    The second chapter is a school of Chinese Classical Literature Teaching and cause of the problem analysis , including high school students reading the status of Classical Literature , Classical Literature Teaching high school students , resulting in a variety of reasons for the situation of three parts .

  11. 是中国的古典文学名著&小说《西游记》中的一段情节。

    It 's an episode from one of China 's literary classics , a novel called Journey to the West .

  12. 《西游记》是中国四大古典文学名著之一,突厥语大词典中的文学片段研究

    " Journey to the west ", is one of the Four Great classical Chinese novels . A Study of the Literary Parts of

  13. 《水浒传》作为中国四大古典文学名著之一,历来受到较高的评价。

    As one of the four famous classical works in Chinese literature , The Outlaws of the Marsh has always been highly appreciated .