
  1. 中国古代书院藏书概论

    On the Bibliotheca of Academies of Classical Learning in China

  2. 中国古代书院制度述略

    A Brief Account on Academy System of the Ancient China

  3. 试论中国古代书院与西方中世纪大学的异同

    A Comparison of Chinese Ancient Academies and European Medieval Universities

  4. 中国古代书院游息活动探析

    The Research of Recreation Sport in Ancient Chinese Academy

  5. 中国古代书院教育理念及人文精神再论

    A Further Study of Educational Beliefs on Chinese Ancient Academy and Its Humanism Spirit

  6. 中国古代书院建筑初探

    Study on Chinese Ancient Academy of Classical Learning

  7. 论中国古代书院的学礼制度

    The School Rites of Ancient Academy in China

  8. 中国古代书院兴盛原因考

    A textual research of the cause of prosperity of the ancient academy of classical learning in China

  9. 中国古代书院与儒学教育&以宋明书院对理学的推进为例

    Ancient Academies in China and Confucianism Education & A Brief on Academic Neo-confucianism Education in Song and Ming Dynasties

  10. 清代是中国古代书院发展的鼎盛时期。她是一位过了人生鼎盛时期的孤独老妇。

    Academies reached the apex of their development in the Qing dynasty . She was a lonely old woman who had outlived her day .

  11. 本文叙述了中国古代书院产生的原因,书院教学的内容、教学方式,并分析了书院教学组织管理特点。这些教学特点对当前大学英语教学改革有一定的借鉴启示。

    The paper gives an account of the origin of Chinese ancient Schools , their teaching contents and teaching approaches , and analyses the features of their teaching and management .

  12. 中国古代书院在强调以儒家思想为指导的前提下更是对书院的空间有着很严格的要求,体现出了深刻的传统文化和浓厚的儒家伦理精神。

    Chinese Ancient school has very strict requirements for its place on the guidance of the Confucianism . It shows a profound traditional culture and strong spirit of Confucian ethics .

  13. 宋代是中国古代书院发展的巅峰时期,书院在数量和质量上都有了质的飞跃,其中四大书院无论在教育教学质量还是人才培养模式方面,更是当时众多书院中的佼佼者。

    Song Dynasty witnessed the peak period of ancient Chinese Academies that made remarkable progress in both quantity and quality . Among them , the Four Great Academies are the best , known for their high education quality and talent cultivation modes .

  14. 中国古代传统书院是最具特色的文教类建筑。

    Chinese Academy of Ancient tradition is the most unique cultural and educational buildings .

  15. 中国古代家族书院简论

    Chinese Ancient Clan Academies

  16. 一名用户写道:像深泉学院这样的学校,在中国古代的书院和培养剑客的私塾中都可找到踪影。

    ' It 's possible to find traces in China 's ancient history of a school like Deep Springs , ' wrote one user , citing old academies that trained scholars and martial arts practitioners .

  17. 中国早期书院与西欧中世纪大学的比较研究试论中国古代书院与西方中世纪大学的异同

    The Comparative Study between the Academy in Early Stage of China and the Universities in the Middle age of Western Europe ; A Comparison of Chinese Ancient Academies and European Medieval Universities

  18. 文章回顾了中国书院教育的发展历程,力图从学术研究、学术创新、教学模式、人格教育等方面揭示中国古代书院教育的办学特色,以探寻书院教育对当代研究生教育的启示。

    Looking into the history , the author attempts to reveal the characteristics of the ancient systems of educational academy in the perspectives of academic research and innovation , teaching models , and personality education , and seeks their enlightenment on contemporary graduate education .