
  • 网络neutral titration;neutralization titration;neutralizationtitration
  1. 通过酸碱中和滴定法测定了硼挥发量,分析了影响硼挥发的因数,结果表明含水量和升温速率是影响硼挥发的重要因数;

    Tested the volatilization of boron through the acid-alkali neutralization titration , analyzed the influencing factor of boron volatilization , the conclusion showed that the moisture content and heating-up time were important factor ;

  2. 酸碱中和滴定法测定萤石中碳酸盐量

    Determining the content of carbonate in fluorite by neutralization titration method

  3. 研究了在Hg(Ag)、Pt、Sb、W4种金属电极上的零电流示波双电位中和滴定法。

    Zero - current oscillographic potentiometric neutralization titration on two indicator electrodes was studied .

  4. 用中和滴定法测定OH-浓度,相对标准偏差0.14%,计算出新制Ca(OH)2溶度积4.07×10-5,结果令人满意。

    Hydroxide ion concentration was determined by neutralizing titration method . The RSD for OH - was 0.14 % . The solubility product of calcium hydroxide was 4.07 × 10 - 5 and the result was satisfactory .

  5. 中和滴定法在生产中的应用

    Application of Neutralizationtitration In the Production

  6. 氯化钾交换-中和滴定法测定森林土壤交换性酸的研究

    Study on the Method by Using KCl Exchange-neutralization Titration to Determine Exchangeable Acid in Forest Soil

  7. GB/T5687.4-1985铬铁化学分析方法中和滴定法测定氮量

    Methods for chemical analysis of ferrochromium & The neutralization titration method for the determination of nitrogen content

  8. GB/T8654.11-1988金属锰化学分析方法燃烧中和滴定法测定硫量

    Methods for chemical analysis of manganese metal & The combustion-neutralization titration method for the determination of sulfur content

  9. 金属电极上的中和滴定法&Ⅲ浓盐溶液中极弱碱的控制电流示波电位滴定

    NEUTRALIZATION TITRATION WITH METAL ELECTRODES ⅲ . Controlled current oscillographic potentiometric titration of very weak bases in concentrated salt solutions

  10. 酸碱中和单点滴定法研究

    A Study on the Single-Point Titration by Acid-Base Neutralization