
  • 网络China Red Ribbon Foundation
  1. 郝阳对中华红丝带基金在过去一年在国家艾滋病防控工作中所做的工作给予高度评价。

    Hao Yang of the China Red Ribbon Foundation over the past year in the national AIDS prevention and control work highly .

  2. 中华红丝带基金形象大使白岩松说。

    China Red Ribbon Foundation ambassador Bai Yansong said .

  3. 这本特刊中向我们展示了中华红丝带基金在艾滋病防治领域所做的工作和取得的成绩。

    It showcases the experiences and best practices of the many HIV / AIDS prevention , care and support initiatives you undertook in2010 .

  4. 中华红丝带基金所做的工作充分显示了在艾滋病防治领域进行多部门合作的重要性,同时也告诉我们,在阻止艾滋病的传播方面,企业和机构能够起到关键性的作用。

    The Foundation demonstrates the value of multi-sectoral cooperation , and shows that businesses and corporations can play a critical role in working to halt and reverse the spread of HIV .

  5. 我代表联合国艾滋病规划署,向中华红丝带基金在中国艾滋病防治领域所作出的艰辛努力和重要贡献表示由衷的赞赏和敬佩。

    On behalf of UNAIDS , I would like to express my appreciation and admiration for the hard work and important contributions made by the China Red Ribbon Foundation towards HIV prevention in China .