
  1. 考古发现展示了中华文明起源和发展的历史脉络,展示了中华文明的灿烂成就,展示了中华文明对世界文明的重大贡献。

    Archaeological findings reveal the origin and evolution of the Chinese civilization , its glorious achievements and great contributions to the world civilization .

  2. 礼&中华文明起源的首要标志

    Li & the principal sign of the origin of Chinese civilization

  3. 中华文明起源与发展研究;

    The origin and development of Chinese civilization ;

  4. 从中华文明起源开始,玉就成了人们珍爱的物什。

    Since the dawn of Chinese civilization , jade has been a highly treasured object .

  5. 论中华文明起源及其早期发展的基本特点

    On the Origin of the Chinese Civilization and the Chief Characteristics of Its Early Stage Development

  6. 综合考察文明要素,中原地区是中华文明起源的中心与发祥地。

    From the comprehensive investigation of the civilized factors , the Central Plains of China is the heart and source of the civilized origin of China .

  7. 传统理论在中华文明起源的问题上,一致认为中华文明起源于中国北方,并以黄河文明为代表。

    On the issue of the traditional theory of the origin of Chinese civilization , It is agreed that Chinese civilization originated from northern which is represented as the Yellow River civilization represented .

  8. 略论中华文明的起源

    The Origin of Chinese Civilization

  9. 爱国诗人屈原像楚文化则是中华文明的起源之一的长江流域文化的代表。

    Chu culture is the origin of Chinese civilization , one of the cultural representatives of the Yangtze River Basin .

  10. 以下诸篇文章,以文化基因为核心概念,从不同视角分析了中华文明的起源特点和世界历史地位,并前瞻中华文明在新世纪如何实现现代传承和发展。

    Guided by the key concept of cultural genes , the following articles will attempt to analyze from different points of view the characteristics of the origin of the Chinese civilization , as well as its position in the world history .

  11. 我们完全可以玉器和玉文化为特别要素,来研究中华文明的起源及其形成;完全可以玉礼器的整体形成来判定礼制文明乃至中华文明的形成。

    We absolutely may study the origin and formation of Chinese civilization with the jade article and jade culture as the special continents , and judge the formation of ceremony civilization and even Chinese civilization based on the entire formation of ceremonial jade articles .

  12. 而且,这个遗址位于长江上游,对黄河是中华文明的唯一起源这一理论提出了质疑。

    And , located on the upper part of the Yangtze River , the site challenges the common idea that Chinese civilization rose from a single source - the Yellow River valley .

  13. 王东从总体上概括了中华文明万年起源发展史上的五次辉煌,并提炼出了中华文明的五大文化基因;

    Professor Wang Dong has given a general presentation of the five splendid periods during the 10,000 years of development of the Chinese civilization , and sums up five genes of the civilization of China .

  14. 古村镇有着深厚的历史内涵和文化底蕴,生动直观地体现了中华民族五千年文明的起源与发展,是构成我国古代文明不可缺少的部分。

    With profound historical meaning and cultural connotation , historical villages and towns lively reflect the origin and development of Chinese civilization of five thousand years , which is an integral part in the composition of our ancient civilization .