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  • 网络Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine
  1. 中医医生与病人交谈提“问”,从中获取关于病况的更多信息。

    By talking with the patient , TCM doctors get more information .

  2. 中医医生职业承诺量表的结构模型评价研究

    Structure Validity of an Occupational Commitment Scale for Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioners

  3. 然而,中医医生否认这种说法。

    Yet , traditional Chinese medical doctors deny this .

  4. 基于B/S构架的中医科医生工作站软件的设计

    Design of workstation software based on B / S framework for department of TCM

  5. 方法本系统设计了一种基于B/S构架模式开发的中医科医生工作站系统,它建立在Browser/Server/Database三层构架之上;

    Methods The doctor 's workstation system of the department of TCM based on B / S framework model was designed by the system , founding on the three-layer of Browser / Server / Database which adopted the technique of C # .

  6. 中医门诊医生工作站软件的设计与实现

    Design and realization of the doctor 's work station software for traditional Chinese medicine clinic

  7. 熊胆富含某类酸性物质,据中医科医生所说,熊胆不仅能够退热清心,还能够明目,治疗胆囊结石。

    Bear bile contains a special acid , which practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine say can not only reduce fever , but also improve eyesight and eliminate stones in the gall bladder .

  8. 我们带她到2个不同的医生:珠海中医生和外国医生在澳门。

    We took her to2 different doctors : Chinese doctor in Zhuhai and foreign doctor in Macau .

  9. 2009年12月,我们在北京地区四家综合医院开展了预调查,并对主管中医药工作的副院长、中医科主任、中医医生和护士进行了访谈。

    We carry out pre-survey in four General Hospitals of Beijing in December , 2009 . In the interviews , we talk with the vice president , director of traditional Chinese medicine , Chinese medicine doctors and nurses .

  10. 最传统形式的老虎中医是干骨,地面散在少量的混合与其他成分的药剂师和中医医生。

    The most traditional form of tiger TCM is dried bone , ground to powder in small amounts for mixing with other ingredients by pharmacists and TCM doctors .