
zhōnɡ yānɡ āo
  • fovea centralis
  1. 基于中央凹视觉的图像信息处理方法研究

    Image information processing based on fovea centralis vision principle

  2. 在实验2A中我们首先对前人的研究进行了验证,发现读者可以即时意识到中央凹信息与文章语境信息之间的冲突性。

    Firstly in the sub-experiment 2A-1 and 2A-2 , we validated the previous research and found that the integration of foveal information very immediately .

  3. 从维替泊芬光动力疗法(VIP)试验获得的隐匿性非典型中央凹下脉络膜新生血管的老年性黄斑变性与临床有关的自然病史信息:VIP报道之4

    Occult with no classic subfoveal choroidal neovascular lesions in age-related macular degeneration-Clinically relevant natural history information in larger lesions with good vision from the verteporfin in photodynamic therapy ( VIP ) trial : VIP report no.4

  4. 用PTZ摄像机系统模拟中央凹视觉功能,完成局部精确注视与平滑跟踪。

    PTZ vision camera imitates the fovea of retina , orients gaze onto the target and keeps the target image stable on the fovea , realizing gaze and smooth pursuit .

  5. 中央凹与老年性黄斑变性的早期诊断

    Early Diagnosis of Central Fovea and Senile Degeneration of Macula

  6. 本文还测定了髁间窝中央凹的大小和深度,为解剖学和临床工作提供参考。

    The size and depth of the central fovea were also measured .

  7. 中文句子和语篇阅读中的副中央凹信息加工的眼动研究

    Parafoveal Information Processing During the Chinese Normal Reading

  8. 在视网膜的中央凹的视力比网膜其他部份更敏锐。

    Vision is much more acute at the fovea than at other portions of the retina .

  9. 在实验二中,我们进一步考察了中文语篇阅读中的这种副中央凹预视效应。

    In experiment 2 , we examined the parafoveal preview effect during the Chinese discourse reading .

  10. 这是因为你眼睛的中央凹部分,也就是高分辨率的部分,

    That 's because the foveal part of your eye , which is the high-resolution part ,

  11. 线索呈现在外周副中央凹,左或右6度视角位置。

    All cues are shown at fixed left or right peripheral positions , about 6 degrees of visual angle .

  12. 分析了感兴趣区域编码和中央凹处理思想,及现有的几种实现方法。

    The Region-Of-Interest image coding and Foveal Processing theory are discussed . Some of their applications are also introduced . 3 .

  13. 一个就是视网膜中央凹,一个用来看颜色并察觉出细节的中间地带。

    One is the fovea , a central area used to see colors and pick out details such as fine print .

  14. 实验结果表明:位置错误多于字母错误,并且位置错误中所报告的字母更靠近中央凹。

    The results indicated location errors vastly outnumber item errors , and the misreported letter was more close to the foveal .

  15. 鹰眼具有两套视网膜中央凹,因而鹰眼的视野非常宽广。

    As the eagle 's eye has two sets of retina central holes , the eagle has a wide field of vision .

  16. 小梁切除术后(一周、一月)与术前黄斑区中央凹视网膜厚度变化同眼压变化成正相关。

    The increase in macular central fovea thickness of glaucoma that underwent trabeculectomy was positively correlation with change of intraocular pressure after surgery .

  17. 中央凹极高视锥细胞密度为提供敏锐中心视力的基础,其极大的个体差异与发育有关。

    The high density of retinal cone cells at the central fovea provide the basis of sensitive central visual acuity , which relates to the individual variation and development .

  18. 例如在空间中央开口开放凹床位。

    For example there are hatches which open from bed-coves into the central space .