
  • 网络Individual test;Indiviud Tests;individual intelligence test
  1. 结论:改变韦氏智力测验中的数字广度的测验方法,把该个别测验作为团体测验使用是可行的。

    CONCLUSION : It is feasible to change the digit span test in Wechsler Intelligence Scale from individual test to group test .

  2. 改变测验方法,把韦氏智力测验中的数字广度个别测验改变成团体纸笔测验。

    AIM : To change digit span test in Wechsler Intelligence Scale from individual test to group test . METHODS : The test form of digit span was changed from oral test to paper-pencil test .

  3. 方法用儿童感觉统合能力评定量表、儿童养育因素问卷和H.R神经心理测验,选取城市6.5~7.5岁的一年级小学生163人为被试,进行问卷测试和个别测验。

    Methods To test 163 urban children between 6.5 ~ 7.5 ages with the Children Sensory Integration Function Measurement Scale , Halstead Reitan Battery Neuropsychological Test and facts of parenting way .

  4. 方法采用明尼苏达多项人格调查表(MMPI)、生活事件量表、特质应对问卷对确诊病人31例和匹配对照组30例进行个别心理测验,以放射免疫法测定两组被试唾液中IgA含量。

    Method Using MMPI , LES , Trait coping inventory to test patients and normal people , using radiate-immune method to test IgA content in saliva .

  5. 不同职称的教师态度在个别分测验的结果上也存在差异。

    Teachers ' attitude toward mainstreaming programs was relative to the different professional titles .

  6. 第二,通过试用研究充分了解斯坦福-比奈量表的优点和不足,从中汲取经验,为编制出我国本土化、标准化的个别智力测验工具提供理论框架、编制实践等方面的参考信息。

    The second one is to find out advantages and limitations about the Stanford-Binet scale through the trial research , and to gain some information of the theory frame and compiling practice for developing our national standard individual intelligence scale .