
  • 网络Serious newspaper;quality newspaper;quality paper
  1. 然而,新闻业早期的蛮荒状态后来在一定程度上自我纠正了。随着公众对过分夸大的报道感到厌倦,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)这样的严肃报纸应运而生,以可信的新闻来源为卖点。

    However , that earlier wild phase of journalism later self-corrected , to a degree , when papers such as the New York Times started to sell themselves as credible alternative sources of news as the public got tired of excessive drama .

  2. 假新闻民意调查已经成了初选选战最典型的假事件。高级报纸;严肃报纸

    Poll have become the quintessential pseudo - event of the preprimary campaign .

  3. 本文是一项个案研究,采用材料分析的方法考察了英国严肃报纸《卫报》不同版面中的名词短语的复杂性。

    This paper presents a study of the noun phrase complexity in The Guardian , an up-market British newspaper , by means of corpus analysis .

  4. 即使是内容严肃的报纸也认为这是一次胜利。

    Even the quality papers agreed that it was a triumph .

  5. 《记事报》想办成为一份严肃的报纸。

    The chronicle has pretensions to being a serious newspaper .

  6. 像《泰晤士报》《卫报》和《每日电讯》都是严肃类报纸。

    Broadsheets such as The Times , the Guardian and Daily Telegraph are serious papers .

  7. 但我认识在本地报纸工作的人,还有,我想做一些更严肃的报纸。

    But I know somebody who works for the local newspaper . And I want to do more serious journalism .

  8. 对一些人来说,这不受欢迎,因为他们想让他们的严肃性报纸看起来像严肃性报纸。

    For some people , this is not popular because they want their serious paper to look like a serious paper .

  9. 五大“严肃”报纸加在一起的发行量也比不上一份《太阳报》,这份全国最畅销报纸的发行量达310万。

    Sales of all five " serious " newspapers together amount to less than the3.1 million circulation of the nation 's best-selling paper , The Sun .

  10. 在英国,报纸有两种类型,大版面严肃性报纸和小版面小报。卡纸:原型样板是由厚的卡纸或塑料卡做成的,因为它们经久耐用。

    In Britain the newspaper market is divided between the larger broadsheets and the smaller tabloids . Card : Block patterns are made from heavy-duty card or plastic , as these are more durable .

  11. 勿庸置疑,如今的市场已今非昔比————不断迎合那些把所有工作行头装进背包、而腾出双手拿大幅报纸(内容较严肃的报纸)的白领一族,更甭提把另一个肩膀解放出来的好处了。

    Indeed , an entire market has grown up to cater to those adults among us who like to carry their work on their back , leaving the hands free to hold , say , a broadsheet newspaper , not to mention preserving their musculature by not being weighed down on one side .

  12. 它们仍然是严肃性的报纸。

    They are both still serious papers .

  13. 它所面对的最大威胁可能是其自身雇员的成长老化,或者是它所模仿的那家严肃认真的报纸关门大吉。

    The main threats it faces are that its staff might grow up & or that the earnest papers it parodies may go out of business .

  14. 在英国,报纸主要分为两大类:严肃类大版面报纸和小版面通俗小报。

    In Britain the newspaper market is divided between the larger broadsheets and the smaller tabloids .