
  • 网络dilemma
  1. 当代中国史学的两难之境&对史学危机的一种回顾

    Chinese Contemporary Historiography Be in a Dilemma A Kind of Retrospection of the Crisis of Historiography

  2. 世界各地的通胀压力正在加剧,令投资者面临两难之境,可对冲通胀的债券需求上升。

    Inflationary pressures are building around the world , posing a dilemma for investors and prompting an increase in demand for bonds that offer protection against rising prices .

  3. 政府陷于原则与权宜的两难之境。

    The government is torn between principle and expediency .

  4. 不过他们处心积虑地,计划使耶稣陷于两难之境的诡计是这样的:如果他主张用石头打死这妇人,就有两种后果。

    However , they deliberately plan to put Jesus in dilemma from this : if Jesus has an opinion of stoning this woman to death , there are two consequence .