
  • 网络Dongyuan;Eastern;dong won
  1. 本文尝试从这一角度探讨犹太民族的埃及背景和西方文明的中近东源流。

    The thesis tries to inquiry the Egyptian background of Jewish people and the Near-Middle Eastern origination of the Western civilization .

  2. 东源县官员拒绝对此案置评。

    County officials declined to comment on the case .

  3. 上游汨水有东西两源:东源出江西省修水县境;

    Mi-water upstream has two things Source : Derived from the East Xiushui County of Jiangxi Province ;

  4. 东源大型白钨矿的发现实现了皖南地区地质找矿的新突破,为该地区的矿床勘查工作指出了新方向。

    The found of the Dongyuan W deposit set the direction for mineral exploration and laid groundwork for further exploration .

  5. 东源县区位优越,旅游资源丰富独特,具有发展旅游业的先天优势。

    Dongyuan County has excellent location and riches unique tourist resources , which provides inherent advantages of the tourism development .

  6. 戴河上有三源,东源为沙河,发源于抚宁县蚂蚁沟村;

    Dai River there are three sources , the source for the East Shahe , originated ants Village of Funing County ;

  7. 针对东源大型白钨矿区地层、及构造特点,合理选择钻进规程参数及钻头;

    Drilling process parameters and bits were reasonably chosen to adapt to the stratigraphic and structural features of the Dongyuan large-scale scheelite mine .

  8. 上海东源公司等不服美国商务部在第二次行政复审中对替代国价格的认定,在美国国际贸易法院提起诉讼。

    Department 's final results of the second administrative review regarding the surrogate domestic price and brings the suit before the United States Court of International Trade .

  9. 然而,东源县周边县市也有一些比较独特的旅游资源,且由于开发较早,在当地已形成较高的知名度。

    However , the neighboring counties and cities also have some unique tourism resources , which have high-profile because of the early development , and have close the Dongyuan County in space .

  10. 近年在南岭以南的广东东江流域河源地区东源县上莞镇的碧寿洞中发现较丰富的古哺乳动物牙齿化石。

    Abundant mammal teeth fossils have been found in the Bishou Cave of Shangguan Town of Dongyuan County , Heyuan in the Dongjiang River Valley , south of the Nanling Range , China .