
  • 网络The Eastern Miscellany;the oriental magazine
  1. 因为:一是《东方杂志》(TheEasternMiscellany)为近代中国办刊时间最长的综合性、学术型杂志,被称为中国近现代史的资料库。

    Because : firstly , the Eastern Miscellany is the longest comprehensive academic journal of all the modern Chinese journals , which is called " the database of modern Chinese history " .

  2. 《东方杂志》知识分子对近代新闻传媒的释读

    Interpretation of Modern Media by Intellectuals from The Eastern Miscellany

  3. 五四时期关于杂志编辑的一场论争&《东方杂志》对《新潮》杂志罗家伦批评的回应

    An Argument over Magazine and Editor During the May 4th Movement

  4. 第一部分:《东方杂志》及其立宪宣传概况。

    Chapter one : the Eastern Miscellanies and its constitutional propaganda survey .

  5. 《东方杂志》是中国近代刊行时间最长的大型综合性期刊。

    Eastern Miscellany was the longest Modern general circulation a large comprehensive journal .

  6. 第二部分:对《东方杂志》立宪宣传的内容进行分析。

    Chapter two : analyze the constitutional propaganda contents of the Eastern Miscellanies .

  7. 而《东方杂志》则折衷于二者之间。

    But Eastern Miscellany then compromised between two .

  8. 甚至有学者谓《东方杂志》是期刊中宪政论之最具规模者。

    There are even scholars that concerned The Eastern Miscellany the largest of the Constitutional Theory .

  9. 在《东方杂志》上,基本上涵括了马克思主义这一科学体系的基本概况。

    In " The Eastern Miscellany " on basically covers the Marxist basic overview of the scientific system .

  10. 第三部分:试析《东方杂志》在立宪宣传中对清政府和革命派关系的变化。

    Chapter three : tentative analysis the relations between the Eastern Miscellanies government of Qing Dynasty and revolutional advocators .

  11. 五四前期,《新青年》与《东方杂志》之间展开了一场中西文化论战。

    During the May fourth earlier period , New Youth burst out a Chinese-West cultural discussion with Oriental Magazine .

  12. 在近代中国,《东方杂志》为社会主义在中国的传播和发展营造了一个话语平台。

    In modern China , the Eastern Miscellany has created a discourse platform for the spreading and development of the socialism in China .

  13. 《东方杂志》是解放前办刊历史最长的一份杂志,因为这场论战而被认为是“保守的”的反动势力。

    Eastern Miscellany , the magazine with longest history before the liberalization of China was labeled as the " conservative " force due to this debate .

  14. 本章从四个方面:政治、经济、思想、媒介环境来剖析时代与《东方杂志》的关系。

    This chapter analyses the relations of the era and The Eastern Miscellany from the four areas : political , economic , ideological and media environment .

  15. 1932年11月1日,《东方杂志》新年的梦想的征文反映出了20世纪30年代初(九.一八后)大多数知识分子的思想取向。

    The solicit articles in Oriental Magazine in November 1932 revealed the ideological inclination of most Chinese intellectuals in the early 30s of the 20th century .

  16. 该节主要介绍了《东方杂志》的创办、早期主持人和主编、前期政治倾向以及该刊对清末立宪运动的兴起所做的分析。

    It mainly introduces the Eastern Miscellanies ' foundation early stage manager and chief editor early stage political tendency and the analysis of the rise of constitutional moverment .

  17. 《东方杂志》的爱国情感和救国意识极为强烈,在清末时期,该刊极为关注民族兴亡,亟亟要求采用文明的方式来反侵略。

    In the late Qing Dynasty , the Eastern Miscellany pays close attention to the national survival . It strongly requires that people should use civilized way to resist aggression .

  18. 本章首先介绍《东方杂志》所刊的论述他国人口状况的文章,对数量最多的研究日本人口的文章加以重点评析。

    The first part introduces articles on population states in other countries from The Eastern Miscellany . The most important introduction is on population in Japan whose research articles are the most .

  19. 二是《东方杂志》作者群始终保持着自己客观的政治立场和文化品格,注重社会主义研究的完整性、系统性和权威性。

    Secondly , the authors of the Eastern Miscellany have always maintained their objective political positions and cultural character , focusing on the integrity , system and authority of the study of the socialism .

  20. 在对民国时期《东方杂志》所刊登的人口研究文章进行深入发掘和整理的基础上,本文以人口研究的主题为划分依据对这些文章进行了分类归纳与初步的分析评述。

    Based on deep collection and organization of the articles from The Eastern Miscellany in the Period of ROC , the articles are concluded and commented in the thesis according to the theme of population research .

  21. 在急骤变动的近代中国革命的历史情境之下,《东方杂志》平静的学术立场终究无法摆脱无奈的命运,《新青年》顺应历史潮流,因而产生了更为深远的影响。

    Under the historical situation of rapid change modern Chinese revolution , Oriental Magazine 's tranquil academic standpoint eventually is unable to get out of the destiny , New Youth complied with the historical trend , thus had a even profounder influence .

  22. 《东方杂志》虽然是一部时事政治性质的杂志,但是从来没有放弃过对文学功能的关注,刊登的杂文创作数量多、质量高,并呈现出理性、客观、新颖、丰富的特色。

    Although Eastern Magazine is a political current affairs magazine , it has never given up on the literary features and content of the concerns of the essays published in a large number of creative , high quality , and showing a rational , objective , innovative , feature-rich .

  23. 论《东方》杂志的文献价值

    Brief Comments On The Document Value of The orient Magazine

  24. 上海东方汽车杂志社拥有两刊一网。

    Shanghai Oriental Auto Magazine Agency Co.

  25. 2008年度的获奖文章由欣欣集资,通过“东方少年”杂志编集出版。

    The2008 winning essays were published collectively by Shin Shin and sent to each participating school .